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What if You’re Concerned About the Child Caring For?

What if You’re Concerned About the Child Caring For?

As a caregiver, you are in a unique position and have the opportunity to notice if the child in your care isn’t reaching milestones or developing as you would expect.

It may be an uncomfortable conversation to have but it may be a good idea to bring up to their parents. 

Here are a few tips to make the conversation a little easier.

  1. Set up a time and place for a face to face conversation.  This isn’t something to talk about on the phone.  It’s also best to have both parents present. 
  2. Be prepared for them to be upset.  Just remember, this is their child and it’s normal for them to feel sad, mad confused or all three.
  3. Start off with compliments.  Every parent likes to hear nice things about their child.
  4. Stick to the facts and tell them what you have observed without using technical terms.  Ask if they have observed the same. 
  5. Finally, ask how you can help and if you can support them in any way. 

How would you talk to your family about their child’s development?