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10 Unique Baby Announcement Ideas!

Use these one-of-a-kind pregnancy announcements as inspiration for your own.

10 Unique Baby Announcement Ideas!

You will never forget the moment you found out you were having a baby, so it’s only natural to want your announcement to the rest of the world to be just as memorable. If you’re in the market for unique baby announcement ideas but keep coming up empty-handed.

Here are 10 one-of-a-kind pregnancy announcements to inspire you:

  1. Let’s See What’s Cooking

Just because it’s been done before doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to kick it up a notch. Here, the Kardells take a tired old cliché and give it a fresh, new spin in this adorable “Leave It to Beaver”-inspired video.

  1. We’ve Been Promoted!

    Photo credit: Jessica Tullos

    Congratulations, you’re moving up in the world! A picture frame from Michael’s, a bit of chalkboard paint and some markers were all Jessica Ross-Tullos needed to create this DIY masterpiece. Add a photo for each life stage, and you’re ready to announce your promotion to the world.

  2. It’s Not Just a Playground Song

    Photo credit: Jennifer Holmes, Dear Lillie

    “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage.” We all know the words. Goodness knows we sang it enough during our school days. Why not bring the playground song to life with a dreamy shot like this one by Jennifer Holmes over at Dear Lillie?

  3. Star-Studded Baby Announcement

    Photo credit: Jesse Rasmussen

Thank you so much taylorswift13 helping me tell the world IM GOING TO BE A DAD! #BabiesFirstConcert lindseyjo86
— Jesse Rasmussen (@JesseRas) June 19, 2015

Why should you go to all the trouble of announcing your up-and-coming arrival when you can have someone famous do it for you? Jesse and Lindsey Rasmussen scored this sweet pic at a Taylor Swift concert, then she shared the photo on Twitter the Friday before Father’s Day. This baby hasn’t even been born yet, and he’s already famous! Swift isn’t the only celebrity dabbling in baby announcements. Will Smith and Vanilla Ice have also been seen helping fans share their good news.

  1. The Great #ShareaCoke Reveal

This couple is pretty sure they figured out why Coke has been putting names on their products. Lucky for us, they decided to put together this video to prove it. That kid’s got some pretty cool parents.

  1. Guess Who’s Pregnant?

    Photo credit: Carissa Casey, Pretty Hungry

    Have some fun with friends and family (not to mention your partner) by turning it into a silly guessing game, like Carissa of Pretty Hungry and her husband did with their announcement.

  2. Show Us Your Sonogram

    Photo credit: Candace and Chris Wohl, Our Misconception

    Sonograms are an extremely popular way of spreading the word that you’re expecting. Here, Candace and Chris of Our Misconception use one to send an entirely different message. Some babies grow in the womb, others grow in the heart.

  3. A Surprise for Fido

    Photo credit: Lindsay Corrigan, Lindsay Corrigan Photography

    You’re having a baby, which means your furry friend is getting a human! Reynolds Rouse is so excited about the future addition to The Rouse House, he wanted to make the announcement himself. Curious about how a traditional baby might get along with your fur baby? Read 10 Great Dog Breeds for Children.

  4. Tap Into Your Inner Italian

    Photo credit: S. and J. Daly

    The Dalys went all out for their baby announcement. And rightly so — they’re expecting twins! “Mama mia! We’re Prego with twins! Comin’a hot n’ fresh, outta de oven, on 3/11.” Seriously, could they be any cuter?

  5. Photo Booth Fun

Photo booths are for more than just capturing that first kiss or goofing off with friends. As Jessica Devins discovered, it’s also great for telling your husband that he’s going to be a daddy.

Have you seen any unique baby announcement ideas lately? Share them with us in the comments!

And check out these 10 Creative Birth Announcement Ideas.

Tiffany R. Jansen is a freelance writer whose pregnancy announcement was nowhere near as cool as any of these. But the resulting kid turned out to be pretty awesome, so she’s not complaining.