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7 Questions to Ask on Your Interview

The interview is an important step in the hiring processes.

7 Questions to Ask on Your Interview

The family is asking your questions but you also need to ask a few questions to see if this job is going to be a good fit for you. 

Asking the family questions shows that you are engaged, paying attention and interested in the job and what is required of you moving forward.  Here are a few things that you should inquire about.

1.) Have You Had a Nanny Before?

Finding out how much experience a prospective employer has with hiring is important. Someone who has never had a nanny might need some more hand-holding to ensure a smooth relationship. Conversely, it might be a red flag if you encounter someone who has hired a lot of nannies who haven’t stayed. It could’ve been the nannies, but it also could be the job or expectations.

2.) What Could Have Been Better About the Experience?

If they’ve worked with a nanny before, what did the family like or dislike about the previous person or having a nanny in general? This shouldn’t turn into a gossip-fest. You’re just trying to learn what the pain points were. 

For example, if the nanny was always late, let them know how punctual you are. 

3.) What Is the Daily Schedule?

Asking more in-depth questions about the schedule will help you uncover details that might not be readily apparent.  For example, perhaps the parents have a weekly date night on Fridays that they’ll need you to stay late for, or they’d like you to take their daughter to band practice early on Tuesdays.

And ask how that schedule may change. Is the spring a busy time for the mom’s company, so she may need to work longer hours? Will they still need you during the summer or do they send their child to camp?

4.) Who Will Be My Boss?

It’s important to find out exactly who the responsible party is, so that you aren’t receiving conflicting instructions from different parents, or others involved in household management.

5.) Will There Be Regular Meetings?

Conducting a regular check in shows that your potential employer will treat your input as valuable and helpful. “These meetings are important to the success of you as a caregiver, since you can receive up-to-date feedback on your services. 

6.) Do You Have a Nanny Contract?

Written agreements are another way to ensure that you are on the same page…literally! If your employer doesn’t have one, consider developing one together so that expectations and duties are clear.

7.) What Is Your Parenting Style?

And how should you be interacting with that style? You don’t want to find out too late that the family expects you to let the child “cry it out”, if that goes against your personal child care beliefs. Consequently, a nanny who is used to having more control might feel uncomfortable in a situation where the child has more leeway to make decisions. Finding out the family’s general outlook on parenting philosophies and discipline styles can help you decide whether the job will be a good match.

What questions do you ask on your interview?