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We need a legislative solution for DREAMers and TPS holders NOW!

We need a legislative solution for DREAMers and TPS holders NOW!

DREAMers, along with temporary protected status (“TPS”) holders are fighting for a legislative solution that will allow them to continue pursuing their dreams in our nation while also contributing to our economy. 

TPS holders are our friends, employers, family, and neighbors. The majority of TPS holders have been in the U.S. for many years, even decades, because their countries are unsafe. TPS holders have built homes, businesses, and families here. In fact, TPS holders from just three countries, El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti (the three largest TPS populations), have 273,000 children who grew up in the United States and know no other home. If TPS is terminated, these parents will be forced to decide whether to be separated from their children or bring them into harm’s way.It is morally wrong to tear children away from mothers, fathers, and caregivers –leaving hundreds of thousands of US citizen children in broken homes, with parents sent into devastating and often life threatening situations. Watch our video below  to learn more.

Fired up? Urge Congress to take immediate action to keep families together and protect the legal status of 200,000 TPS holders from El Salvador and their 192,000 U.S. citizen children!