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7 DIY Baby Shower Decorations

Diaper Babies

7 DIY Baby Shower Decorations

There are so many ways to decorate a baby shower – you can DIY so much, create cute and functional items. Here we’re sharing everything from diaper cakes to baby libraries to inspire your baby shower designs.

Diaper babies are really easy to make and a functional gift for the parents to be who can later use the diapers, washcloths and socks required to assemble the babies. Frugal Fanatic has a great tutorial on how to create these babies. You can stash them around the baby shower, or pile them up in a basket. 

Baby’s First Library

Set out a bookshelf for people to bring a book instead of a card for the baby. It’s a great decor item as well as functional gift for the baby.

Baby Bottle Flower Vases

A cute idea for flower arrangements is to use baby bottles to hold the flowers upright. 

Photo Collage of Mom and Dad’s Baby Photos

A cute decor idea is to collect baby pictures of the mom and dad and display them at the baby shower. 

Flower Baby Initials

If you already know the name of the baby, you can get letters for the baby’s initials and decorate them with flowers as a centerpiece.

Baby Building Blocks

You can easily make these building blocks for a baby girl, baby boy or gender neutral. 

Diaper Cake Centerpiece

A baby shower isn’t complete without a diaper cake. You can decorate them any way shape or form to match the theme of the baby shower.