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Angelina’s Infamous Kiss, Revisited

Angelina’s Infamous Kiss, Revisited

I don’t know what is going on with Angelina and Brad. Celeb Buzz reports that Brad just had his second MONITORED visit with his kids, which only lasted 90-minutes.

I get it. Something big went down. Angelia reported Brad having a physical altercation with one of the kids to the authorities, and now they’ve split and he’s on restricted monitored visits. Must have been serious. And clearly, we all want kids to be safe.

So in the meantime, Angelina, the six kids – and Angie’s brother James Haven – are living together in Malibu.

Let’s stop there a minute. ANGIE’S BROTHER IS IN THE PICTURE? You guys, this is the guy she famously kissed at the Oscars. Like, a hard and passionate kiss. The kind that might make your toes curl.  Or your stomach hurl, watching it.



Who’s with me here? That relationship is just WEIRD. I mean, it’s one thing to make sure your kids are safe. It’s a whole other to have them live with you and the brother you have a weirdly-affectionate relationship with. One where the twins reportedly called him “Daddy.”

Like, can we make sure Uncle James leaves after 9 p.m.? Or at least sleeps in a different wing of the house?

All joking aside, the goal is for these kids to have some stability and clarity as they weather this incredibly difficult, media-frenzied divorce. So as much quality time with Mom (and Dad, when monitored) is important to feel safe and loved. And Mom probably needs her family for support right now, and her brother is the only person she trusts. But I’ll never forget that kiss. And I don’t think I’d ever want my kids to see me kissing their uncle that way.