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Cleaning Frustation

Cleaning Frustation

Cleaning fits, that’s what I call it when I am so frustrated and the only thing I can do to work out my frustration is to clean the house. When I am stressed out or angry I turn to cleaning and I find it is very therapeutic. My husband loves it and the results are beneficial to everyone. 

As I clean the house lately, I also find frustration in cleaning my house. There are things in my house that drive me crazy. Like the basement bathroom with no windows. I am constantly cleaning mold off the wall above the shower in the bathroom. It keeps coming back and I keep cleaning it. It makes me feel like we are disgusting and dirty, even though I clean it regularly. 

My window sills are disgusting no matter how much I clean them and I am not sure what to do about them. Every time I turn around I feel like there is a new layer of dust. Now my cleaning is causing me frustration! Where is the therapy in that? Does anyone else ever feel like cleaning is causing them to lose their sanity? Maybe I just need to hire a house keeper.