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Why I Decided to Keep my Pregnancy a Secret

Why I Decided to Keep my Pregnancy a Secret

I’m 10-weeks pregnant with my first child, and only myself, my husband and my doctor know! I can hear some of you saying, “Why in the world would you not share this good news with your family and friends!?” The answer is a bit complicated, but here are my reasons for making this choice.

First, I am so excited to be pregnant! I want to tell the world, but I also know that this is a miracle I may only experience once. I simply cannot share my secret with anyone else just yet. It’s too precious and private, and I need to savor it alone for a little longer.

I’m also afraid of miscarriage. Last year, a friend miscarried at 8 weeks and had already told everyone about her pregnancy. It was torture for her when someone asked her about her due date, and I don’t want to go through that. It’s a better choice emotionally for me to keep my secret until after I pass the 12-week mark when miscarriage rates drop.

Third, I want to avoid discrimination at work. I know my boss can’t fire me for getting pregnant, but I recently received a promotion with more responsibility and don’t want him to think that I can’t do my job. And honestly, I’m not sure I’ll go back to work after my maternity leave. When I’m about 20 weeks, I’ll schedule a meeting with my boss and talk about my pregnancy and what the next step in my career will be. Until then, I’m hiding my morning sickness and baby bump at work!

The precious cargo I carry is my first child, and for now he or she is a secret. Whether you decide to share your pregnancy or not, this is the right decision for me.