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Should we let our kids go hungry?

Should we let our kids go hungry?

A few months ago, I came across this article on Curtis Stone and saw the various comments he’s made about picky eating. Basically, he suggested that most parents go too easy on their fussy eaters and was quoted to have said “I don’t see the big deal in letting kids go hungry a few times. They’ll eat when they’re hungry.” 

Kids can have strong opinions, we all know that, but is it really a good idea to just let them refuse food and go on with an empty stomach? Stone also opened up debate amongst parents last year when he said “ “Your kid is going to embrace whatever you expose them to, right, that’s just a fact of life,…People tell you, ‘no, no my kid likes this or my kid likes that’. My opinion is, that’s just not accurate.” 

As a mom who is constantly exposing her kids to new foods and flavors, I’ve learned that there truly are some things that my kids simply don’t like – is Curtis Stone really saying this can’t be accurate? I would love to open up a dialogue about the article that circulated a few months back (linked above!) and the comments made by the celebrity chef. Do you agree/disagree? How do you think parents should deal with picky eaters?