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Parenting Hacks: Week of 6/9/14

Pulp Silicone Teething Feeder

Parenting Hacks: Week of 6/9/14

Parenting is tough, so make it easier with this week’s parenting hacks!

Feed your little one fruits and vegetables in an easy way without all of the mess with the

Pulp feeder



. Simply put whatever fruits or vegetables inside the compartment and it allows  your baby to self-feed on fruits and vegetables through small holes.

Safety 1st Store n’ Go Booster

Do you find that your child is squirming around trying to find their toys and items when they’re in the car? The

store n’ go booster

has a convenient place to put all of your child’s items so they’re in reach! Now, there’s no more fussing and asking for things from you!

Store n’ Go Booster

Shaidee Sun Cover

Since summer is just around the corner it’s important to think about your baby and the sun. The

Shaidee sun cover

keeps your baby cool and comfortable in the sun!

Sun cover