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How to decorate a woodland creature baby room

How to decorate a woodland creature baby room

The first thing is to decide on whether or not you want to decorate the room with a series of woodland creatures, or one animal in particular. From their it’s all about picking the pieces you like and putting them all together to create a woodland wonderland. For your reference woodland creatures include: deer, foxes, owls, bears, hedgehogs, rabbits, raccoons, squirrels and others. 

Name Sign
Come up with a way to display your child’s name in their room or on the outside of their door. One idea is to get a door wreath like this one (below) personalized with your child’s name.

Coordinate your child’s crib with their favorite creatures. You can get a set that all goes together featuring trees, animals and acorns like this one (below). 

We also suggest having extra snuggly blankets and quilts on hand in case your little one wants to cuddle up and get extra warm. This quilt (below) is beautifully done and features things like foxes, mushrooms and typical woodland colors.

Wall Decor
There are a variety of things you can do with your baby’s room. You can actually paint the room with trees to bring the outdoors inside, hang woodland art, and use decals to make you feel like you’re in the forest. 

Incorporate a rustic feel with woodland creatures painted on wood, like this piece (below).

Another option is to coordinate art pieces and collage them so they go together, like this series of deer pieces.

Toys and Games
Be sure to incorporate your woodland theme throughout your baby’s room including in their toys and games. These building blocks that feature a fox and trees are a great addition. 

Depending on what pieces you specifically want in your nursery you may have different requirements, but here are some things we like that go with the woodland theme. 

This bookshelf that is shaped like a tree, is perfect for any woodland themed baby room.

A play tent like this one is another good option for a woodland inspired room, and features a sweet little fox.