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Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is a Choice

I told my 11 year old, soon to be 12 year old daughter that happiness is a choice. “No, it’s not!” she screamed as she slammed her bedroom door. I’m starting to wonder what happened to my sweet little girl now that she has entered middle school. I’m afraid we have entered the twilight years know as the tweens. 

Nothing is right in her life. She isn’t cool enough for her friends, she doesn’t have a cell phone, she needs better clothing and her father and I are completely cramping her style. She told us we are making her miserable. I think this is the sign of a tween.

I tried to explain to her that happiness is a choice and we choose what makes us happy. We don’t have to let others opinions and thoughts control out happiness. She still doesn’t believe me that buying new clothing or owning a cell phone won’t make her happy either. In fact I worry that a cell phone will make her less happy because the “friends” she has at school will just have more access to her and I am not sure that will make her feel any better about herself. How do you help a tween be happy?