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8 StartUps Parents Need to Know About


8 StartUps Parents Need to Know About

Every parent knows that there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. Sometimes it just seems like time passes so quickly and there are so many things to do but there’s just not enough time to do them. If you feel this way at any point, there’s probably a startup that can help make your life a little bit easier.

Today, we’re listing some of the startups that can help you accomplish day to day tasks, along with those special events and moments where you just need a little extra help.

Everyone has to ship something at some point, whether its a birthday present, important documents, or even an item that needs to be returned. Sometimes it can be difficult to make it to the UPS store or post office with the right size box and all the necessary packing material. In addition, you never know how long the lines will be at the post office and you don’t want to get stuck spending the time packing the item(s), going to the post office, and shipping it. Now there’s an easy solution for your shipping needs called Shyp. Simply take a photo of the item that you want to ship and the destination, and a Shyp hero will pick up your unpackaged item and send it on its way.


Shopping for groceries not only takes time, but can be difficult to do with your family. You have to get down to the grocery store, pick up all the items on your list, and get home all with your family in toe. While it may seem simple, it tends to be far from it. There’s a chance you’ll forget items you need, and sometimes its simple hard to transport everything.

makes grocery shopping simple. You can order everything online including shampoo, meat, vegetables, and even diapers. You won’t forget an items on your list with this handy tool.



Have you ever had a parenting question that none of your friends seemed to have the answer to? 


is an advice-sharing network for parents. Each member’s profile, activity, interests, and pediatric health record work together, helping Kinsights proactively surface a relevant community – personalized for each parent. By safely monitoring your child’s medical records, you’ll be able to ask questions of parents who have been in your shoes before, and see the questions parents in your situation are asking.




Is your car in the shop or, maybe you’re going somewhere that doesn’t have parking and you need a ride but find taxi service unreliable. Lyft makes it easy to take you and your family where you need to go. Simply request a Lyft in your area and you’ll see your driver approaching on your phone screen and their approximate ETA. You’ll even get a text message when they arrive. Now you don’t have to worry about cabs not taking you somewhere because they can’t get another fare where you live, or worrying that a cab won’t shop up. Take a lyft and get around easier.



When you’re running around doing errands, working, and taking care of your family its hard to stay at home waiting for your package to be delivered. If you miss a package, it then becomes a process of either having to go to the post office to pick up the package or waiting for a re-delivery.


makes it simple, all you have to do is get your package sent to their secure location and they’ll deliver your package to you “after hours” when you’re home. 


Urban Sitter

Do you need a night out with your partner or simply some “me time”? Find a sitter with the right expertise and knowledge used to be a challenge. Now

Urban Sitter

is making it easier than ever for parents to find a babysitter that fits with your family. You can search for last minute sitters, full/part-time nannies, or a sitter for a date night out.

Urban Sitter


Having trouble motivating your kids to get outside and stay active?


are wireless activity monitors for your kids that help them earn points and prizes for their outdoor and fitness activities. The monitor accompanies a series of games and challenges that motivate your kids to stay active.



Keeping kids interested in and excited about reading can be a challenge in a world where technology is constantly changing and evolving. Now there’s


, a subscription service that makes reading fun for your kids. Simply provide a few pieces of information and you can get fresh, new, and exciting books for your kids delivered in physical or digital formant. ZooBean is a way to get kids excited for the next book that’s going to be delivered.
