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6 Super Recipes for Homemade Bubbles

Make your own homemade bubbles this summer!

6 Super Recipes for Homemade Bubbles

Blowing bubbles is an enjoyable activity for children of all ages, but cheap, store-bought bubble solution can be difficult to work with or create bubbles that pop too quickly. Why not try making your own homemade bubbles? It’s a fun and exciting craft activity for kids with parents or their summer sitters!

Making crafts together can not only help your children develop fine and gross motor skills, but can also improve other learning skills, suggests Darleen Claire Wodzenski, a motivational speaker, educator and member of the PsychoNeuroEducational Institute. “Sensory stimulation can greatly enhance learning and development,” she says. Who knew that making homemade bubbles could be so beneficial?

When making your homemade bubble solution, imagine other ways to make the project more exciting. Pick out a colorful container from which you can easily pour the bubble solution, like a large dispenser with a spigot designed for lemonade or juice. Then gently mix all the ingredients together, and slowly pour the solution into a cup or tray. You may want to lay out a tarp, towel or blanket in case things get messy. Also, select wands that will help your little ones create those unusual and massive bubbles.

“Be sure to explore different bubble wands like a potato masher, coat hanger, colander, and other items you have around,” says MaryAnn F. Kohl, a children’s art author and presenter. “Discovering which ones work is a great learning experience.” Try these six out-of-the-ordinary bubble recipes that your children will never forget:

  1. Giant Bubbles
    To make great big bubbles that can float through the air like balloons, try out this recipe from blogger Happy Hooligans. Just watch out when these massive bubbles burst — hopefully you kept that towel handy!
  2. Non-Toxic Bubbles
    If you’re concerned about giving your children bubbles that might contain toxins, make your own homemade non-toxic bubble mixture. This recipe comes courtesy of natural living blog Food Your Body Will Thank You For.
  3. Painting Bubbles
    Do your kids love to paint? Try making bubbles they can actually paint with, like with this recipe found on the parenting blog Childhood 101. This is a perfect pastime for artistic kids who love to get messy!
  4. Touchable Bubbles
    Texas blogger Little Austinite suggests making a bubble solution that contains corn syrup, so that you can create bubbles that your little ones can actually hold in their hands. These bubbles take a while to pop, which just makes the fun last longer!
  5. Tear-Free Bubbles
    To make bubbles that won’t cause any irritation if they happen to pop by your child’s face, try out this recipe for tear-free bubbles from budget blogger Baby Savers. Tear-free bubbles also work well for children with allergies or sensitive skin.
  6. Glow-in-the-Dark Bubbles
    If your little ones want to blow bubbles at night, check out this recipe for glow-in-the-dark bubbles, courtesy of Growing a Jeweled Rose. Glow-in-the-dark bubbles are perfect for a campout or a sleepover party. This unique spin is sure to create some summertime memories.

Want more fun activities to do in your backyard? Check out these 11 Backyard Games for Kids.

Kelly Sundstrom is an award-winning journalist, author, artist and national special needs spokesperson. As the mother of twice-exceptional children, Sundstrom has been a guest speaker on Grassroots TV in Aspen, Colorado, and offers her support and advocacy to special needs families all over the country.