Child Care


Senior Care

Pet Care


Part-time Senior Care Provider(s)

Part-time Senior Care Provider(s)

Wentzville, MO


Hourly rate

Part time

Job type

Starts May 10

About the job

Hello, recently brought my 90 yr old Mom home to live with me. I would like caregivers that can assist dressing, bathing, meal prep & kitchen cleaning,...

Hello, recently brought my 90 yr old Mom home to live with me. I would like caregivers that can assist dressing, bathing, meal prep & kitchen cleaning, light housekeeping, etc. Mom has dementia. I love her very much. We have one caregiver but would like more. Looking to work with a few local caregivers to develop a schedule that works for all. Daytime care - generally 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. but very flexible to help the caregivers come up with a good schedule. She is petite at just 124lbs. master's degree and part of her PhD. Loves to see her grandkids & great grandkids. She walks usually with a walker, but many times needs assistance. Loves brownies. About me, her son. Retired from business, but of course opened another, lol. Love being a grandpa. Caregiver position - pays weekly by check and you will receive a 1099 at year-end.

Caregiver preferences

Has Own Transportation
Bathing / Dressing
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation
Medication Prompting
Errands / Shopping

Job schedule
