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Why I Caved and Hired a Housekeeper

I gave up the dirty work and couldn't be happier.

Why I Caved and Hired a Housekeeper

With three kids under the age of 5, I often feel like there’s no end to housework.
I do loads and loads of laundry, wash a countless number of sippy cups, and wipe tiny fingerprints from windows and walls each week. Add the fact that I also have to, you know, take care of my kids, and it’s nearly impossible to keep my house clean.

I finally had to face the facts: I needed to hire a housekeeper. So I did, and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Sure, my biweekly housekeeper costs money (learn how much a housekeeper costs near you), but the time I’ve saved by hiring her has been well worth the expense.

Getting that extra help at home has given me more free time to spend with my family, to work, and to do the things I enjoy.

Here are eight reasons I hired a housekeeper:

1. Housework Never Ends
    My daughter and this little girl are like kindred spirits. Every time I walk into her
    room, it looks like this! My twin sons are messy in other ways, including that they
    like to pee all over the toilet. Now, twice a month, I come home to a house that’s clean         and doesn’t stress me out.

2. I’m No Martha Stewart
    I could spend hours cleaning — yet still have dusty corners. My new housekeeper
    has a knack for reaching all the nooks and crannies.

3. I’m Exhausted
    I definitely don’t look as lovely as Jessie James Decker when I don’t get enough
    shut-eye, But, more importantly, I’m not the best mom I can be when I’m tired.
    Since I hired a housekeeper, I no longer have to wake up at the crack of dawn to
    scrub toilets before work.

4. I Want to Play!
    When my daughter beckons me to her art table to color, or my sons ask me to                      play Donatello in the most epic Ninja Turtle battle ever, I can now accept without worrying     about chores.

5. I’d Rather Undergo a Colonoscopy Than Clean
Let’s be honest: Some people are born with the cleaning gene, but I would rather                  do Anything else.

6. Oh, Right! I Also Have Another Job
    As a writer, I juggle multiple work projects with tight deadlines that won’t wait for me to         clean my house. Now I can focus more on my job than on my dirty floors.

7. I Missed My Husband
    Weekends should be about this — and should not include rubber gloves. By                           hiring someone to clean, I freed up time for picnics in the park and date nights!

8. Because Chandler Has the Right Idea
    Wouldn’t we all rather be doing this at night?

What cleaning or other household tasks do you want to take off your plate? Share them and other reasons you want to give up cleaning below!