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Summer schedule for kids: Expert tips to try before they cry ‘I’m bored’

Squash seasonal boredom before it starts by implementing a summer schedule for kids.

Summer schedule for kids: Expert tips to try before they cry ‘I’m bored’

Kids (and their parents and caregivers) wait all year long for these long, sunny days, but it’s usually only a matter of time before the “I’m bored” chorus begins. This year, why not squash it before it starts by implementing a summer schedule?

You’ve probably seen examples on Pinterest or Instagram. They’re often colorful and stuffed to the brim with activities. We know what you’re thinking: “Oh no, do I have to come up with activities?” Luckily, creating a boredom-busting summer schedule for kids is actually pretty easy.

Here are six examples of summer routines for kids from real parents and caregivers, as well as expert advice on how to build your own.

Why do I need a summer schedule for kids?

There are a lot of good reasons to stick to a summer schedule for your kid. One major benefit is that it can help prevent the so-called summer slide. Research shows that kids can lose between 17-34% of the year’s prior learning during the summer. Keeping kids in a routine, particularly if that routine includes consistent opportunities for learning and play, can help them keep learning all season long.

A good summer schedule or routine can also help kids stay active and prevent stress and anxiety. “Children of all ages (and even adults) thrive on routines and structure,” says Allison Wilson, an early childhood educator and the Senior Director of Curriculum and Innovation at Stratford School.

So, what should be included in a summer schedule for kids?

Even though we can all benefit from some sort of schedule or routine, how that looks may be different for each child, caregiver and family. 

“Some kids thrive by being creatures of habit with a more regimented schedule, while other kids love the flexibility of an on-a-whim, spur-of-the moment type of day,” says Donna Whittaker, a veteran early childhood educator and Vice President of Curriculum and Education at Big Blue Marble Academy.

Here are the main categories to consider when creating your own summer schedule for kids.

Essential daily tasks

For some kids, especially very young ones, a summer schedule can offer a helpful nudge to remember important daily tasks, like brushing teeth, getting dressed and doing simple chores. It’s up to you and the child to decide how detailed to be. 

“Some children require more scaffolding when it comes to accomplishing tasks, while others may rebel against the checklist method and be able to accomplish tasks without it,” says Whittaker. “Getting their input on schedules will help them to feel in control and powerful.”

Reading and education

Educational activities are welcome on summer schedules, but make sure your summer days don’t turn into summer school, Whittaker says. Instead, encourage lots of reading and have fun making all sorts of activities into opportunities to learn.

For example, she adds, cooking a recipe together can provide practice with literacy skills and math. Building a backyard fort can help kids learn planning, sequencing and problem solving. Even jumping rope and singing simple rhymes can improve fine motor skills and promote literacy.

When it comes to books, follow kids’ interests and see if there are opportunities in your community to make reading fun. “Check out your local library summer reading programs or story time,” Wilson advises.

Opportunities for exploration

“Summer is a great time to explore your local community or perhaps somewhere out of the area,” Wilson says. 

Vacations are typically the first thing that comes to mind when we think about summer plans, but exploration can happen anywhere. You might spend a day at the local splash pad, visiting a library you’ve never been to or searching for caterpillars in your own front yard.

“A staycation can also provide fantastic learning opportunities at local museums, national parks and so much more,” Wilson adds. 


It’s essential to include time for relaxation and fun. This might mean giving the kids time to chill with their favorite shows and video games some days. Other times, it might mean pulling out the board games or drawing with chalk outside.

“Summer days are long, but time is short,” Whittaker says. “Turn off the TV, power off the devices and play, read, sing, be silly, go on walks and bike rides, enjoy picnic lunches, play ball in the backyard, and lay on a blanket after dark to look for shooting stars and catch fireflies all together.”

6 useful and fun summer schedule examples

Ready for some inspiration as you create a summer schedule for your kids? Here’s a look at the routines, charts and checklists that have helped other parents and caregivers get set up for success.

1. Time for work and for play 

In her daily summer checklist for kids, Steph of A Grande Life combines structured routine with plenty of opportunities for play, adventure and relaxation. Color-coded chores help kids know what to focus on each morning. There’s also a block for a designated summer activity or just to simply go outside. Rounding out the day are blocks for quiet time and a very important nightly shower to rinse away the day.

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2. First things first

For her kids’ summer schedule, Gator Mom divided each day’s tasks into “must-dos” and activities to choose from after all of the musts are completed. This helps kids prioritize tasks they need to tackle before they relax and have fun. It also helps pace natural limits on screen-time without being too rigid. 

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3. Check it off the to-do list

This printable summer chore chart from The Incremental Mama is straightforward but still offers kids a lot of freedom and flexibility. They have blocks for self-guided reading time, outdoor play and creative time. Combined with very simple daily chores, this schedule offers structure without rigidity. 

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4. Rock around the clock

For kids who crave extra structure, this printable summer schedule from Mighty Mrs. lays out activities on a timeline from sun-up to bedtime. The schedule incorporates reading, summer chores, educational workbooks and arts and crafts. It could be a great day-to-day guide for nannies, parents and grandparents alike.

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5. Stick with the theme

For an easy-breezy approach to your summer routine, consider this loosely outlined daily summer plan from Wildly Anchored. Rather than specific activities or times, each day is given a theme and a list of corresponding ideas for things to do, make or try. For example, Try-It Thursday is all about researching things that interest kids and trying something brand new. It will keep kids engaged in new things every week.

Image via Wildly Anchored

6. Take it one thing at a time

Break up the day into manageable chunks using this printable kids schedule from House Mix. Activities are grouped into categories for the morning, afternoon and evening, with loose times to keep the day flowing without too much stress. Pictures along with words also make this a great schedule for kids of varying ages.

Image via House Mix

The bottom line on finding the ultimate summer schedule for your kids

No matter which seasonal schedule suits your child, implementing one has both short- and long-term benefits. As Wilson puts it, “Routines help children to know what to expect and can provide opportunities to build self-help skills and independence.”