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What if She’s Shy?

What if She’s Shy?

You got the job!  Congratulations! 

You have always loved children and feel such a connection with them.   You’ve started to notice that the new child you are watching isn’t thrilled when you come over and doesn’t want to play.  It may just be that she’s missing her mom and dad.  Maybe it’s the first time that she’s had a caregiver.  How do you handle it?

Well don’t get discouraged.  Remember all children are different and in time you will find a way to connect with your new child too.  Always keep an open and ongoing conversation with the parents.  Ask them for advice or tips.  Maybe their child is shy and will come around.  Maybe her parents have sure fire trick to help. 

Ask her parents who her favorite cartoon character is and bring a coloring book with that character in it next time you come over.  Or ask what her favorite board game is and bring it over to play.  I always have several children’s books on hand.  You can’t go wrong with the classics!  

Here’s an article with a few more great ideas to help you have fun!

How do you break the ice with kids you are watching?