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The Ultimate Baby Shower Gift List

Things to keep in mind when buying gifts

The Ultimate Baby Shower Gift List

One of my dear friends is expecting her first baby, and I have to say that I’ve got babies on my mind. There are so many great and incredible items out there for new moms it’s so hard to know what’s the best and what items a new mom will really need. I’ve spent endless time researching the best products and items for both mom and baby. You can check out my product pack and some of the featured items below.

  1. Check if your friend has a registry – you’ll want to give them things they really need. You can get them an item from their registry and throw in some special little additions to make it unique.
  2. Don’t forget about mom and dad – offer up a gift card to or so parents can get a night out – even offer to babysit yourself.
  3. Meal Delivery and Grocery gift cards are great – Once the baby is born, there isn’t a lot of time for everything else. Grocery gift cards, prepared meal delivery services, restaurant (restaurants that deliver) gift cards can be major lifesavers. 

Items for Mom

A nursing cover that is both elegant and function is a must-have for every expecting momma. This one in particular looks like a regular infinity scarf but then doubles as a nursing cover.

Having a teething necklace is great for both you and baby. You don’t have to worry about your baby chewing on your find jewelry. Instead, there’s a great alternative for you both.

When nursing it’s always possible for there to be little slips and spills. These nursing covers do a great job of preventing leaks from going where they don’t belong.

A breastfeeding pillow is a fantastic item for moms to have who want to breastfeed with comfort.This pillow is machine washable and stylish.

Items for Baby

Nothing says baby or baby showers quite like diapers, and your baby is going to need a lot of them. Pick up a diaper carriage like this one, or make one yourself.

While it may look a little strange, this teether is perfect for babies who are in the teething phase.

You really can never have too many bibs, and these ones are super absorbent making clean up time a breeze.

Swaddles are a must have for new parents and these swaddles are breathable and have a multitude of functions. Use them as a burp cloth or even just a blanket.

A sweet little stuffed animal that doubles as a blanket is a great keepsake for baby. Consider getting two just in case one gets a little two much love and too dirty.

Items for Home

A mobile over your baby’s crib is a great way to foster their imagination and get them excited about different shapes and colors. I love this one featuring woodland creatures.

Having a thermometer is going to be something every parent will want and need. If your little one isn’t feeling well you should be able to check their temperature and report it to their doctor if necessary.

Having a cushy and comfy glider is a great addition to any nursery. It’s a comfortable place to read to baby or share some snuggle time.

An indoor/outdoor play area is a great item to have so you can play with your baby in a secure space. Not having to worry they are going to run off or go somewhere if you turn around for a moment. It also helps them from getting into things when they’re extra curious.

A humidifier from Crane is a great addition to your home for baby. Crane makes the cutest humidifiers and they will help your baby breathe easier at night.

This diaper pail is the best when it comes to sealing in orders and keeping your home sanitary.