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The Best Double Stroller for You

Here are the top picks to tote two kids without a stroller battle.

The Best Double Stroller for You

Parents with two kids know that their growing brood is twice the reason to invest in the best double stroller for their lifestyle. A double stroller for infant and toddler ages is an investment that may run from a few hundred to more than a thousand dollars, but baby gear experts say it’s worth putting the money toward a stroller you love rather than spending it on questionable accessories.

“I tell moms and dads to spend a little more on their stroller than they think they need and save money by not buying things like wipe warmers,” says Hollie Schultz, the founder of Baby Gizmo, a parenting resource site that features baby gear reviews.

Read on to find out which picks for the best double stroller Schultz and other baby gear gurus say are well worth your dollars:

  1. The Bugaboo Donkey
    Near the highest of high-end strollers, the Bugaboo Donkey converts and grows as your family does. If you know you’d like to have more than one child, it’s an investment that lasts years. It starts out as a mono-stroller with plenty of storage space on the side and extends out to accommodate an additional seat or bassinet. “What makes it so great is the adaptability,” says Kit Li-Perry, chief merchandising officer for Giggle, a baby registry and gift site. In addition to air-filled tires and eyebrow-raising suspension, the Donkey has 17 different seat configurations to adjust to any position in which your kids want to sit. The downside, of course, is that it’s pricey — but you’re getting a stroller for two with as many options as you could ask for.
  2. StrollAir My Duo Double Twin Stroller
    The StrollAir My Duo boasts some of the same versatility and styling of the Bugaboo Donkey but will save parents a few hundred dollars. It can hold a bassinet and regular seat, or it’s available in a version specifically for twins who need the same seats. The independent seats are also reversible, and like the Bugaboo, the My Duo has front and rear suspension for a super-smooth ride. Reviews are largely positive but indicate that the carseat adapters may be difficult to remove from the frame. The bassinets are also not included.
  3. Bob Revolution SE Duallie
    For a double stroller that will work well just about anywhere, scope out the Bob Revolution SE Duallie. The company calls it “your go-to stroller for everyday activities and not-so-everyday adventures,” and plenty of moms concur. “It’s awesome,” says Stephanie Haugen, a mother of three and a coordinator for the Mothers of Preschoolers movement. “The way it turns is amazing.” Haugen says she uses her Revolution for everyday chores as well as for off-roading on hiking trails. The front wheel even locks so parents can run with the stroller. “It has a really smooth ride,” adds Schultz, noting the importance of having that in a jogging stroller “so baby is not being thrown all over.” It’s a little heavier than other models and reviews indicate that the fold can be a bit more complicated, but for a multisurface stroller, it’s hard to beat.
  4. Joovy Caboose Stand on Tandem Double Stroller
    The Caboose Stand On Tandem gives parents the option of a double ride without having to use a gigantic stroller. A no-nonsense seat with buckles located between the stroller handles and the infant seat allows an older sibling to sit comfortably while facing a parent. “I liked it so much I got two,” Haugen says, adding that the trigger fold and its light weight made it easy to shuttle her kids around. Reviewers are overall pleased, but some feel that the stroller is somewhat bulky and can be hard to maneuver with two children riding in it.
  5. Bumbleride Indie Twin
    If you gravitate toward the Bumbleride Indie Twin, your kids could get the chance to recline on a bamboo-blended fabric designed to regulate temperature. Natalie Diaz, author of “What to Do When You’re Having Two,” recommends the Indie Twin to “eco-conscious families, because it’s made with partially recycled materials, and it has the most beautiful colors you can imagine.” Schultz also picks out the Indie Twin for its fabrics, but made sure to emphasize its adjustable handlebar, large canopy and smooth push. It doesn’t fold as compactly as some would like, but reviews are highly positive.

When searching for a double stroller for infant and toddler ages, make sure you purchase an option with air-filled tires. Your kids are probably different sizes, so their differing weights could compromise the direction of the stroller. “If you have air tires, you’re always going to go straight,” Diaz advises, so look around for an option with the right wheels.

Erin Chan Ding is a freelance journalist based in the Chicago area. Having two kids means that to her, finding a good double stroller means the difference between feeling like you’re pushing a rattling shopping cart and pushing a figure skater on ice.