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How to Stop Heartburn in Cats

How to Stop Heartburn in Cats

A friend of mine called today because her cat keeps throwing up. Gross! I suggested that she research heartburn in cats. Like adults can get heartburn, cats can, too. She can stop it with several steps.

What is Heartburn in Cats?

First, understand heartburn in cats. It happens when an excess of gastric or intestinal fluids builds up in your cat’s stomach and causes the muscle between the stomach and the esophagus to relax. Heartburn can also occur after your cat swallows a burning substance or gets something stuck in its gut.

Younger cats are at a greater risk for developing heartburn because their esophagus is still developing. However, it’s common in cats of all ages.  

What are the Symptoms of Cat Heartburn?

Chronic vomiting is one sign of heartburn. You may also notice that your cat meows or seems to be in pain while swallowing, coughs or gulps frequently, salivates more than normal, develops a fever, refuses to eat or loses weight.  

How do you Diagnose Heartburn in Cats?

Your veterinarian can diagnose heartburn with several tests, including a urine analysis, blood work and chest x-ray. The vet may also order a fluoroscopy to watch the cat’s esophagus in motion or an esophagoscopy that detects changes, inflammation or damage to the esophagus’s mucus lining.

How to Treat Heartburn

After a heartburn diagnosis, you’ll make several changes.

1. Diet – The new food will be low-fat since it helps to strengthen your cat’s esophageal sphincter, and it will be low-protein to reduce stomach acid.

2. Smaller meals – Eating less food at one time can relieve symptoms.

3. Antacid medication – Use only with a vet’s recommendation.

If your cat vomits frequently or shows other signs of heartburn, see your vet. These tips can also help you learn how to stop heartburn and get your cat healthy again!