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How to Clean Stainless Steel Sinks

How to Clean Stainless Steel Sinks


Over the past few months, I’ve been using FlyLady’s system for keeping your house clean and decluttered ( Some of  her techniques have worked really well for me, and others not as much. One thing that she really emphasizes but that I couldn’t get into was keeping your sink “shiny” (clean and wiped dry). I think the problem was that I didn’t really know how to clean stainless steel properly. Recently I decided to research it and try again, and I found some great tips in this article.

I’ll share with you two things that really stood out to me and that I can tell have made a difference in how my sink looks:

  1. Using the baking soda – vinegar combo. As the article states, baking soda is a mild abrasive, like scouring powder but gentle and non-toxic. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant. Plus, it fun to watch them foam and fizz when you put them together!
  2. Rinsing with hot water and drying with a cloth. I thought that FlyLady was going overboard with her advice to keep the sink dry, but it does make a difference! The stainless steel really does sparkle when there are no dried water marks on it.

FlyLady’s reason for keeping the sink shiny is that it inspires her to keep the rest of her house at its best as well. Now that I’ve had a shiny sink for the past few days, I’m starting to see what she means!