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Where to Find Pictures to Use For Your Blog Post

Where to Find Pictures to Use For Your Blog Post

So you’re writing a blog post, but it looks a little, well, bland.

It needs a picture!

Pictures at the top of the post will really catch the eye of the reader and get more people to engage with your piece. But if it’s not something you have a personal picture for, here’s how you can find pictures available to the public:

  1. Instagram: Search a phrase or hashtag a people’s pictures will come up. You can add the embed code

  2. Google Advanced Search: I just fill out two fields — the top slot for keywords and then the last line where it says “usage rights.” Select “free to use or share”

  3. These are free-to-use images that are also beautiful! They don’t have the best variety, but it’s worth a shot.

  4. Flickr: More community aggregated images

I typically save the image to my computer and then upload. Then add a photo source in the caption.

Good luck!

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