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The 51 Cutest Cat Names

Your lovable feline friend needs a name that's worthy of her new position in your family. Here are 51 cute cat names to choose from!

The 51 Cutest Cat Names

Having trouble coming up with cat names? Check out this list of the 51 cutest, meow-worthy monikers:

Male Names

  1. Fido
    Mix it up and use this generic dog name for your cat!
  2. Mason
    According to the Social Security Administration, Mason was the third most popular baby boy name in 2014. Why not join in on the trend?
  3. Haymitch Caternathy
    An adorably playful take on “The Hunger Games” character.
  4. Mr. Whiskerson
    Perfect for the cat that has long, whispy whiskers.
  5. Sir Isaac Caton
    Science buffs will love this formal cat name.
  6. Al Catone
    Perfect for the cat who’s a bit of a wise guy.
  7. Chip
    Disney fans will love this “Beauty and the Beast” reference! And, if you have two cats, you can pair Chip with…
  8. Salsa
    Yes, that’s right. Chip (or Chips) and Salsa.
  9. T
    Shorten “kitty” into “T,” a much cuter alternative.
  10. Nermal
    Well, he was the “world’s cutest kitten” on Garfield.
  11. Simba
    This name is just right for your little lion king.
  12. Felix
    Are you a film buff? This catty character comes from the silent film era.
  13. Hobbes
    “Calvin and Hobbes” fans will find this to be the perfect pick.
  14. Captain Snuggles
    This name just oozes cuteness.
  15. Steve
    You’ll giggle every time you call your kitten this oh-so-human-sounding name.
  16. Pablo Picatso
    Adorable and artistic!
  17. George Clawney
    Like his namesake, George Clooney, your cat is boyishly rugged beyond compare.
  18. Mr. Bigglesworth
    Great for fans of the “Austin Powers” franchise.
  19. Bubba
    This name doesn’t scream “cat!” But, that’s what makes it so giggle-worthy.
  20. Socates
    Sounds like Socrates, but with a feline twist.
  21. Gizmo
    This “Gremlins” name is still popular, even decades after the movie’s release.
  22. Morris
    Who could forget one of the most lovable commercial cats ever?

Female Names

  1. Catniss
    A kitty-themed play on the name “Katniss,” from “The Hunger Games.”
  2. Catrina
    This feminine name calls attention to your pet’s species in a fun way.
  3. Kitty Purry
    If Katy Perry can have a cat named after herself, so can you.
  4. Frida Katlo
    Like Pablo Picatso, this one is for the artsy pet owner!
  5. Bootsie
    Do your kitty’s spots look like itty-bitty boots? Then this is the right name for her!
  6. Jackie Katnnedy
    The first lady of felines.
  7. Meow-y Antoinette
    “Let them eat cake,” or at least fish pate.
  8. Nala
    This is the perfect choice if you’re a fan of “The Lion King,” especially if you already have a Simba at home.
  9. Sarabi
    Here’s another favorite from “The Lion King.” This name means “mirage.”
  10. Aphrodite
    The goddess of love and beauty.
  11. Charlotte
    This royal baby name is equally as adorable for cats.
  12. Mrs. Whiskerson
    Maybe she’s Mr. Whiskerson’s wife?
  13. Princess
    Use it as-is or add a surname of your choosing.
  14. Pepper
    A sassy name for speckled cats.
  15. Luna
    The perfect pet name for families that love astronomy.
  16. Pumpkin Purr
    A great pick if your cat is orange and round, like a pint-size pumpkin.
  17. Marilyn Meow-roe
    Does your cat like to be the star of the show? Then name her after the silver screen vixen.
  18. Ms. Mittens
    Perfect for a kitty that has those tell-tale spots on her front feet.

Unisex Names

  1. Peanut
    Aw, a great name for a cat that’s super small — like a peanut.
  2. Butter
    Peanut’s perfect companion!
  3. Cat
    Want to keep it simple? Use this basic name, inspired by “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
  4. Sox
    A great pick for a cat that has spots on his back legs.
  5. Panda
    Is your cat black, white and spotted? Name it after its bear counterpart!
  6. Inky
    A great name for a dark-furred kitty.
  7. Wasabi
    Perfect for a cat that’s a bit spicy.
  8. Sugar
    A sweet reminder of your cat’s gentle nature.
  9. Spice
    Does your cat have a bit of an attitude? Then this name’s for her!
  10. Shadow
    A great name for a kitty that just loves to follow you around.
  11. Catsworth
    Royal, regal and really cute.

Now that you’ve done your research on cat names, you can start to enjoy your special time with your new pet. To learn more about what the future holds for you as a cat owner, check out 6 Ways Cats Make Your Life Better.

Erica Loop is the mom to one teenager, two Olde Boston Bulldogs and a very shy cat. She’s also a freelance writer, educator and the creator of the blog, Mini Monets and Mommies.