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The 13 best parenting tweets of the week

The 13 best parenting tweets of the week

With summer break in full swing for many, parents are spending a lot more time with their kids — hence, they have a lot more fodder for Twitter. From tortilla-chip-eating ghosts to babyless breastfeeding, here are the best parenting tweets for the week of June 8-14, 2019.

1. Summer vacation = Double the snack consumption

2. When your toddler tells it like it is.

3. If you don’t have a “Not Me” living with you, are you even a parent?

4. Sometimes kids are straight trailblazers.

5. Who’s hungry?

6. Gotta love that quality time with the kids!

7. WHY? Why is it so difficult?!

8. When you think of it that way…

9. Now THAT is what we call meta.

10. Karma works in funny ways, huh?

11. When the kid is three sheets to the wind — er, a toddler.

12. Just missing one important thing.

13. Seriously, are we there yet?