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What Do Parents Really Think About Valentine’s Day?

What Do Parents Really Think About Valentine’s Day?

To stay in or go out, that is the question for parents come Valentine’s Day.

While the thought of having a romantic evening just the two of you is nothing short of wonderful, sometimes the practical side of life gets in the way. As questions such as can we find a sitter or will the restaurant already be booked out begin to swirl around, we may wonder, is it worth the effort?

Looking for a babysitter? Find one in your area now.

To find out what parents really think about the holiday of romance, we have asked parent bloggers for their advice for a romantic Valentine’s Day.

Here’s what they had to say:

The Only Girl in The House: Oh my, advice for “parents hoping for a romantic Valentine’s Day” would honestly be don’t hope too much and manage your expectations! We abandoned the idea of a ‘night out’ for Valentines long ago, due to the shortage of babysitters etc, and instead treat ourselves to all our favourite food and wine for a cosy night in. If we really want a night out to ourselves, we plan it a few weeks after Valentines – saving money, getting availability at a good restaurant and being able to get a reasonably priced baby sitter.

Daddy&Dad: We used to ship the kids off to Grandma and Grandpa’s for Valentine’s weekend, but we would spend the whole time talking about the kids anyway! So instead we tend to do something nice as a family. The boys make handmade cards for us and we have a tasty takeaway.

BlendedDadUKIf you can’t get a babysitter, soundproof the bedroom and buy a lock for the door!

And on a serious note, my other piece of advice would be not to put yourselves under too much pressure to have the ‘perfect valentines day’. Enjoy yourself regardless of what day it is and appreciate each other, as you should every single second anyhow. 

What are your tips for a romantic Valentine’s Day? 

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