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Playing Online Games Enhances Performance at School

Playing Online Games Enhances Performance at School

As a parent, you might always be finding ways to keep your children away from those video games. With online gaming becoming so popular and easily available nowadays children are often seen glued to the smart phones, iPads, or play stations. But what if we say that parents should no more worry if their children spend some time of the day playing online games? Yes, these games can be helpful for the growth of your children. They can help them improve their academic performance at school.

In a research carried out by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology using the Program for International Student Assessment, about 12000 students were observed on the basis of their online habits. The results obtained were quite astonishing as it was proved that students who played online video games daily scored 17 marks more in science and 15 marks more in mathematics than those students who did not play online games daily. It even explained that students who play online games daily were perhaps smarter as they were able to complete their homework quickly and find time to play games regularly.

Not only this, a study conducted at the Columbia University states that playing video games can positively affect the children with cognitive and social skills. While another study claims that video games can help students in improving their academic performance in science, math, and read. Although there are a lot of educational games available for students but, these studies claim that even games of action, puzzles, or mysteries can indirectly help the children in learning and perform in a better way at school.

So, how playing online games can benefit the children? Can they only help in improving the math and science scores or can they help in overall development of the children? Here are 6 ways in which online video games are helping the children:

  1. Critical thinking

Critical thinking abilities are required in children so that they can question the logic and understand reasons behind certain actions and things. Online games help in cultivating this skill among the children. Children have to take quick decisions while playing games. This sharpens their minds and trains them to choose the best possible solution in a particular situation. Hence, children who play online games have the talent to solve unusual queries swiftly.

  1. The Social Connection

You always want your children to connect with others, to learn new things from them, and be active in the school. Having good social skills will let them build a strong self-esteem and good relationships throughout their life. And, online games can help them become social. Online games are often multiplayer games in which people from all over the world can connect and compete. Some are also team played games in which children can connect and play together as a team. This increases the social circle of the children and incorporates the qualities of teamwork, coordination, and problem solving skills in them.

  1. Stress Buster

Children are learning so many new things every day. Some situations such as too much homework, peer pressure, family conditions can be a reason for stress among them. Playing online games can be a good way to release stress after all the hectic school schedules and studies. Online games can help children refresh their minds and release out stress. They thus affect their health in a positive way and make them happier. Children who are often shy enough to play rough and tough games can play similar online games and the release of their suppression or anger.

  1. Play at your own pace

The concept of individualized learning can be seen being implemented very well through online games. One can move to a higher level in a game only when they have cleared the lower level. Many online games adjust according to the preferences of the player and raise the difficulty level according to the player’s intelligence only. Online games thus let children learn and succeed at their own pace.

  1. Foster Friendships

You might have heard your children talking about video games and the strategies to crack their levels all the time with their friends. Well, video games can often be a reason your child chooses their friends since they share common interests. Also, online games also give them an opportunity to teach. Many times children discuss and explain each other how to can clear a level of a game. Online video games thus, can help children communicate with each other and become friends.

  1. The competitive spirit

Whether it is any form of sport, it inculcates a comparative spirit among the players. Being competitive can be good for children. They often compare themselves, their scores and positions earned in the games with their mates. This subconsciously motivates them to do better and better. Online games can be a good place to complete and learn simultaneously. If they won’t compete they would never get to know where they are lacking and would never learn to improve themselves.

Online games can be interesting, fun, and an easy way to boost the intelligence of the children. Children can learn new words, crack puzzles, and solve mysteries. This not only improves the concentration power but teaches them the cognitive skills, leadership, and time management as well. Certain historical games about ancient civilizations and early age can light up their curiosities and inspire them to learn and research.

In the end, online video games can be a way to connect the parents with their children. Parents should discuss the games that their children love to play and let them share their wins and challenges. It would help in creating a healthy parent-child relationship.

Alisah King is a blogger & academic dissertation help expert at Godissertationhelp. She writes for a wide variety of topics including Education, Health, Fitness and Technology.