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Parenting 101: Dad Sends Stern Message to Son in Best Way Possible

One dad’s hard-nosed message for his son was shown on national television for millions to see.

Parenting 101: Dad Sends Stern Message to Son in Best Way Possible

Well this is one way to get your kid’s attention. Check out this dad’s sign at last week’s Cleveland Cavaliers-Charlotte Hornets game at the Spectrum Center in North Carolina.

Turns out Pops wasn’t so happy about his son’s less than stellar performance in school, so, naturally, he did what any parent would do and called his son out on national television.

“Thomas get your grades back up and next time you’ll be here,” the loving but brutal sign read. “Love, Dad.”

Ah, the wisdom of your old man. From Charlotte, the dad drove the encouragement train right on down to Texas for the Houston Rockets-Oklahoma Thunder game two days later. 

“Thomas, can you hear me now? STUDENT then ATHLETE son. In that order,” the second sign read. “Love, Dad.”

Image via Twitter/royceyoung

Oof. Well, there’s nothing like the tough love of a parent to get you back on track. Thomas, we hope that the next time we see your dad at an NBA game, you’re right there beside him.