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No Smoking Section

No Smoking Section

Trust is a huge factor in any relationship.  This is especially true when someone is watching your children. 

So what do you do if a friend tells you she saw your nanny smoking while pushing your stroller?  This becomes not only a trust issue but a safety issue as well.

Smoking around children, especially young children is quite hazardous to their heath and completely unacceptable.  The best way to handle this situation is swiftly and directly.  Sit your nanny down and tell her that you know she smokes and that she was seen smoking pushing your child. 

Every family is different, but this may be grounds for termination.  Sometimes even when a nanny is an amazing fit and the children love her, dishonesty or unhealthy practices especially around children are not something that we can ignore. 

Here’s a link for more information about how to spot issues that you may not see right away.

Here’s a reference to help with terminating a household

Would you terminate your nanny if you caught her smoking around your children?