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Mariel S.

Mariel S.

Meet Mariel. She is a high school guidance counselor and part- time babysitter. Three years ago she joined in search of extra income. Today she has a regular date-night job with a family of four in Newton, MA. But she’ll tell you that it’s not just a job – it’s a friendship.  

See the full interview here:

Mariel: You’re probably going to ask me how long we’ve been working together, and it’s been a while. 

Giana: Can I have you introduce yourself to me.

Mariel:My name is Mariel S. Do you want me to say what I do?

Giana: Yes.

Mariel: I’m a high school guidance counselor, and a part-time babysitter.

Giana: How did you get into

Mariel: I got into when I needed extra income, aside from my full-time job, I needed additional funds for just living expenses. I saw the ad on TV, and I instantly became interested, and the rest is history.

Giana: How did you find this family?

Mariel: I saw their ad online, and I noticed that they were close by so it was convenient for both of us, and I liked the hours that they posted, I thought it was convenient for me. It all worked out.

Giana: Why caregiving?

Mariel: I feel like it’s something that I’m used to doing. I’ve been a care-giver … I’m the oldest of four, so my siblings, I did it also with other families when I was younger, so it’s something that it’s easy, and it comes from the heart, it’s fun, and I just enjoy the kids.

Giana: What’s it like babysitting?

Mariel: These two? It’s always fun, it’s always entertaining, they’re always a lot fun. I have a good time when I’m with them.

Giana: What are some fun things that you do with your children that you care for?

Mariel: Sometimes we watch movies, we play games, we tell stories, especially at night. The night routine is telling stories. That’s it. I’m usually in the evenings, like for date-night. That’s what I’m for. So usually, when they’re here it’s in the evening right before bed, so I get to do just a few things, because I put them to sleep.

Giana: Last question, what’s it like working with the children?

Mariel: It’s exciting, it’s good. I really enjoy my time here. It’s always good when I come through the door and they’re like “Hi Mariel!” And they look forward to seeing me, so it’s awesome. I’ve been with them for three years for a reason, because we get along, and the kids like me and respect me. It’s a mutual friendship.

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