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Is It Okay for Me to Quit My Babysitting Job?

Is It Okay for Me to Quit My Babysitting Job?

In the best-case scenario, you are ending a babysitting job because you can no longer sit for the family. However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes the job is just not for you.

It is okay to quit a babysitting job. But when you do, you should end the relationship in a respectful way.  Some tips for a smooth and easy exit:

  • Be polite. You want to be respectful of the family regardless of any ill feelings that you may have.
  • Be honest. If a family asks why you are deciding to end the babysitting job, you should be honest about it. Maybe the job changed and the babysitting responsibilities are too much for one person to handle? Maybe you have another higher-paying job offer? Whatever the reason, speak up. The family may benefit from your feedback as they begin another sitter search.
  • Time the conversation. Ideally, you should have the conversation at the end of your babysitting shift. You should also give the family two weeks notice before your departure.
  • Be professional afterward. When you interview for another babysitting job, that family may ask about reasons you left your previous position. Even if the experience was a poor one, you don’t want to say negative things about the other family. Simply state that the situation did not work out and you amicably parted ways.

>>Have more babysitting questions? Return to the main Babysitting FAQs.

Tiffany Smith is the senior associate editor here at She has written for All You, Time for Kids and the Boston Globe. And as a former babysitter, she knows a lot about fun games to play with kids. Getting them to eat their veggies — that’s a different story! Follow her on Twitter tiffanyiswrite.