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I Love My Cat! 10 Ways to Know My Cat Loves Me, Too

Cat affection can be hard to gauge. Here are 10 ways to know if your feline really loves you.

I Love My Cat! 10 Ways to Know My Cat Loves Me, Too

Cat owners have a strong attachment to their pets, proclaiming, “I love my cat!” whenever asked. But not everybody thinks of affection when she imagines owning a cat. It can be a challenge to hug a cat, and some kitties don’t want to be stroked as often as you’d like. Frankly, some cats are rather mercurial, standoffish and even a little mean. But once you’ve gotten to know your feline, the signs of love start to shine through.

You can start the ball rolling by bringing a cat home to shower with love. Head to your local animal shelter or pound. There are so many pets that need love, care and attention. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), 1.3 million cats are adopted each year from animal shelters (you’ll be in great company!).

Soon you’ll be thinking “I love my cat” often, but you may unsure of your feline’s true feelings in return. Here’s how you can know that he likes you too:

  1. Purring Like a Motor
    There’s quiet purring and then there’s a very loud version, and it’s this sound that means true love. You’ll recognize the difference right away! Your cat is making her feelings known with her extra-loud purr.
  2. Suckling and Licking
    If your kitty likes to use her tongue, it’s a clue she’s feeling relaxed and content. And according to the ASPCA, she’s showing affection. Your cat means well (and you’ll get used to the sandpaper texture on your skin!).
  3. Placing Dead Animals on the Doorstep
    Headless birds, gutted bunnies, mangled mice. All are little “presents” for you and a clear sign of love from your cat. It may seem gross to witness the spoils of your pet’s bloody battles, but take heart — your cat simply wants to share her bounty. Try to offer a little praise!
  4. Showing Her Belly
    If your cat rolls onto her back, it means she’s stuck on you. She’s feeling at ease and may welcome a quick scratch on her tummy as well.


  5. Head Butting
    This is a funny sign of affection, but it sort of makes sense. When your cat bonks into you, she’s saying “I trust you” and “I love you.” Feel free to welcome her head butts with pride.
  6. Following You Around
    Dogs do this too, and it can seem a little annoying. You may wonder why your cat always needs to be underfoot. But playing follow the leader indicates your cat’s attachment, which is a good thing.


  7. Biting Gently
    A small nibble here and there may seem odd at first, but these bites are another sure sign. Your cat shouldn’t hurt you in any way or draw blood. Rather, she’s just carefully chomping on you to say, “Hey, you’re special!”
  8. Snuggling Up
    Got a cat who’s constantly joining you on the couch? Curling into a ball in your lap or plopping down on your feet while you work at your desk is a good sign of love. Your cat wants to be cozy and close. This sign makes a lot of sense in terms of “I love my cat, and my cat loves me.”


  9. Kneading
    Is she making bread? Playing the piano? Nope, she’s pressing into you with her paws to show you how she feels. This action may be left over from her days as a wee kitty, when she did this to prepare to nurse.


  10. Tail Twitching
    That tail swaying back and forth may make you dizzy, but in reality, it’s just your cat trying to tell you something. Moving her tail like this means she’s very happy to see you.

Rejoice in the many ways your cat is showing her love! If you see any of the above signs, it means you’re doing an excellent job as her owner. Keep up the good work!

Want to know how your other pets show affection? Check out I Love My Dog! But Does He Love Me?.

Jennifer Kelly Geddes is a New York-based writer and editor who specializes in parenting, health and child development. She’s a frequent contributor to and the mom of two teen girls.