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How To Have Fun With With Your Pet Rock

How To Have Fun With With Your Pet Rock

Do you have one of those kids who magically winds up with a substantial pocket rock collection after just one walk? What do you even DO with them? When I’ve got a little geologist in my care, one of my go-to projects is to turn those specimens into pet rocks! Here’s how:

1. Pick Your Pet

Pretend you’re at a pet store and have your kids select their ideal pet rock from the pile: what shape, size and color should it be?

2. Give It a Name

Every pet needs a name, even rocks! Do some quick Google searches to get some inspiration.

3. Paint It

Get out the paint, lay down some newspaper and have your kid give their pet rock a makeover. This is their chance to create the pet of their dreams and let their imaginations run wild!

4. Make a Home

Next, have your kid make a home for their little friend by lining a shoebox with some old towels or washcloths. If they want to get fancy, they can use markers to draw on the inside of the box to make wall art for their pet, too.

5. Bath Time

Take it from me: pet rocks LOVE baths, so your kids should bathe their rock in lukewarm water once a day. If they had a particularly stressful day, pamper them by adding a couple drops of scented soap to turn their water into a bubble bath.

If you find that you still have a lot of rocks left over, you can also turn them into paperweights and garden/lawn decor. Gifts, anyone?

For more great ideas be sure to check out The Summer Activity Series and 101 Fun Things to Do With Kids This Summer.