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How to Clean Decorative Emojis Pillows

How to Clean Decorative Emojis Pillows

While cleaning out my parent’s guest room today, I found a bunch of decorative pillows in the closet. Some are old, but others are new, including the emojis pillows my nieces use when they sleep over at pap and grandma’s house. I definitely need to clean the pillows we won’t donate or toss. Here are the instructions I’ll use.

First, read the care label. Some pillows can be washed with water, but others, particularly leather, suede and wool, require specialized care from a professional dry cleaner. If you don’t find any tags, do a spot test. Use a cotton ball to blot a small amount of cleaning solution on a hidden piece of the pillow, and then allow the spot to dry. If you see water rings or if the color bleeds or fades, don’t use a water cleaner. 

To clean the pillow with the wet cleaning method, mix upholstery shampoo, detergent or mild soap with water. Apply the cleaning solution with a damp sponge in a circular motion, remembering to get in the pillow’s crevices and along the piping. Blot off the excess moisture with a clean, white cloth and allow the pillow to dry completely.

For pillows that can’t be wet cleaned, use a vacuum. The upholstery brush and crevice attachments should clean the pillow thoroughly.

You can also spot-clean any stains on the decorative pillow. Mix warm water and mild detergent or use a small amount of white vinegar. Blot the stain until it goes away then allow the pillow to dry. If the stain is oily, sprinkle cornstarch on it, allow it to sit overnight and vacuum it in the morning.

Decorative pillows are fun, but they need to be washed. I suggest these tips. Are there other methods that work for you? If so, I’d love to hear them!