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How to Be the Best Nanny

Highlight these traits when you're looking for a nanny job and parents will see how you'll be a great fit for their family.

How to Be the Best Nanny

There may not be such a thing as a “perfect” nanny, but there are common traits all parents look for when hiring. Whether a family has teenagers, a newborn, twins or just one child, they’re all looking for someone special to take care of their precious children. When you’re looking for nanny jobs, here are tips to help you be the best possible caregiver.

  1. Be Mature
    Parents are looking for someone who is mature, experienced and up to the challenge of watching their kids. “Maturity level is conveyed in the way you carry yourself and communicate during the interview,” says Karen LeBlanc, of Nannies From the Heart in Austin, Texas. Showing off your maturity to a potential employer and family starts even before the interview, she believes. From when you first apply to the job to any emails you exchange to the interview itself, make sure you act professional, calm and mature.
  2. Be Honest
    Part of maturity is being honest and genuine about your abilities and experience. Parents want nannies who are, “honest with the kids and their standards, honest with the parents and able to handle situations with the kids and honest with their schedules and availability,” says Taylore Harris, an on-call and temp nanny with Elite Family Care in Sarasota, Fla. The truth isn’t always easy, but it helps build trust between you and your employer.
  3. Be a Role Model
    As a nanny, children will look up to you for guidance, so it’s only natural parents want a nanny who is consistent, dependable and has good character. Harris thinks parents are looking for someone with “morals, patience, gratitude, as well someone who will get on the kids’ level and do what it takes to get to enjoy them!” A big part of being a role model is your personality, which Harris believes becomes more important as the children develop and you have more conversations and interactions with the kids. 
  4. Be a Go-Getter
    Show you can take initiative and have an active role in the family, without needing direct instructions. “Families, especially first-time parents with infants, don’t always know everything they need and rely on an experienced nanny to jump in as a team player, share wisdom and offer suggestions,” LeBlanc says.

    Harris agrees, saying, “initiative speaks volumes and essentially it comes down to what you are willing to commit yourself to that will allow you to stand out and demonstrate your interest and ability to work hard.”

    One way to show your initiative is to highlight how you’ve been creative in your activities with kids you’ve watched in the past. The ability to “transform walks into day trips and learning adventures” shows you can incorporate education into every day activities, something the parents — and kids — will love.

  5. Be Respectful
    According to LeBlanc, “families are looking for nannies who are willing to get on board with the parents’ philosophies and practices, regardless of their own personal beliefs and preferences.” It’s great for you to share wisdom from your experiences and make suggestions, but ultimately it’s the parents’ call as to how things are done when it comes to things like discipline, schedules, activities, etc. As a nanny, it’s important to respect that.
  6. Be Communicative
    New expectations may evolve, especially as the children grow, but initial expectations don’t change, says LeBlanc. It’s important to be on the same page going into a new position and to communicate regularly with the family about expectations.

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  7. Be Yourself
    But ultimately, if you want to succeed in this career, it’s about being you. LeBlanc believes that “if you let your personality come through and be yourself, families will be able to see how much you love working with children!”

There might not be such as thing as a “perfect” nanny, but there is such a thing as a “perfect” fit into a family. Highlight these traits, and a family just might see how you’ll fit into their everyday life, too. 

Elizabeth SanFilippo is a freelance writer in Chicago.