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52 Christmas jokes for kids that will get the whole family laughing

Get kids giggling with these funny Christmas jokes for all ages. Just be careful no one spits out their milk and cookies!

52 Christmas jokes for kids that will get the whole family laughing

Creating holiday cheer for your family can feel like a lot of work, but sometimes the easiest way to bring a smile to a child’s face is simply by cracking a silly Christmas joke. The season is already full of stories, songs and characters, making it all the more fun to incorporate these into festive jokes. Best of all, holiday humor is a way to celebrate that requires no planning, no special supplies and no mess!

From simple knock-knock jokes to clever puns that riff on popular holiday characters, there are Christmas jokes for kids of every age. Enjoy sharing them with each other over breakfast, on the way to school or around the tree at night. Just be careful no one spits out their milk and cookies from laughing too hard!

Christmas puns for kids

1. What’s the nicest thing you can say about someone’s Christmas tree? 

That looks positively tree-mendous!

2. What did Mrs. Claus say to Santa when she saw the weather report?

It looks like rain, Dear.

3. Why is Rudolph’s nose so bright? 

Nobody nose.

4. What did the Christmas stocking say to its friend who wasn’t listening?

Hey, I’m stocking to you!

5. What did Santa sing to Mrs. Claus? 

I carol-lot about you.

6. Why didn’t the present help his friend? 

He was too wrapped up in himself.

Snowman jokes for kids

7. What did Frosty the Snowman say when his friend asked for help? 

Snow problem!

8. What happens when baby snowmen are really upset? 

They have a meltdown.

9. Why is Frosty the most popular snowman? 

Because he’s the coolest.

10. Where did the snowman go to meet a princess? 

The snow ball.

11. What’s it called when a snowman goes shopping for carrots? 

Picking their nose.

12. What do you call it when snowmen get dandruff? 


13. How did the snowman get to school? 

He rode his icicle.

14. Where do snowmen look things up online?

The winter-net.

15. What does Frosty the Snowman call his kids?

His chill-dren.

Elf jokes for kids

16. What did Santa say to the elf who didn’t want to share? 

Don’t be elf-ish.

17. What do the elves in Santa’s workshop say during roll call?


18. What does the grandpa elf use to help him walk? 

A candy cane.

19. Why were their letters on the wall of the elf school? 

They were practicing the elf-abet.

20. What do you call it when an elf takes a picture of himself? 

An elfie.

21. What did the elf invent to help him wrap gifts more quickly?

A snow-bot.

Santa Claus jokes for kids

22. What did Santa say when a skunk got into his workshop? 

Jingle smells.

23. What do you call it when Santa feels nervous in a narrow chimney? 

Santa Claustrophobia.

24. What did Santa tell Mrs. Clause when she told him the reindeer had run off?  

Sleigh no more!

25. What’s big, red, jolly and says, “Oh, Oh, Oh?”

Santa Claus walking backwards.

26. What did Santa name his pet polar bear? 

Santa Claws. 

27. What did Santa yell out when his hat fell down over his eyes? 

I’m seeing red!

28. What do you call the signs that Santa might’ve been here? 

Santa clues.

Christmas tree jokes for kids

29. What kind of Christmas tree do pigs buy? 

A porky-pine.

30. What do you call a trumpet that’s stuck in a Christmas tree?

A horn-a-mint.

31. What did the Christmas tree say when it was asked if it’s ready to be decorated? 

Fir sure!

32. What did the Christmas tree say when he put out cookies for his guests? 

Tree-t yourself!

33. What did the Christmas tree say to his friend who was shy? 

You should branch out and meet people.

34. What should you give a Christmas tree that has bad breath? 


Christmas kock-knock jokes for kids

35. Knock, knock! 

Who’s there? 


Mary who? 

Mary Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!

36. Knock knock. 

Who’s there? 

The grinch. 

The grinch who? 

The grinch who stole Christmas.

37. Knock, knock! 

Who’s there? 


Olive who? 

Olive the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names.

38. Knock, knock. 

Who’s there? 


Snow who? 

Snow-body home, come back later!

39. Knock, knock! 

Who’s there? 


Harry who? 

Harry up and get here, Santa!

40. Knock, knock. 

Who’s there? 


Noah who? 

Noah good place to buy presents?

41. Knock, knock. 

Who’s there? 


Lucas who? 

Luc-as star in the sky!

42. Knock, knock. 

Who’s there? 


Water who? 

Water you getting me for Christmas?

43. Knock, knock. 

Who’s there? 


Annie who? 

Annie one home? Santa needs a hand getting out of your chimney.

Christmas riddles for kids

44. What has 36 legs, 10 heads and 2 arms? 

Santa Claus and his reindeer (including Rudolph).

45. What has two red legs that don’t touch the ground? 

Santa Claus stuck in a chimney.

46. What rhymes with “yes” and comes at the end of Christmas? 

The letter “s.”

47. I’m a tiny world where there’s always swirling snow. It’s never really cold, but outside you’d never know. What am I? 

A snow globe.

48. I’m a house you’d like to munch on, but I’m just for decoration. What am I? 

A gingerbread house. 

49. We come in lots of sizes, but we only eat one food. Our clothes are often colorful, but beneath them, we’re all wood. What are we? 


50. I’m a type of clothing everyone loves but no one ever wears. Kids get so excited when they wake up and see I’m there. What am I? 

A Christmas stocking.

51. I’m longer than a snake and bright like stars in the sky. You see me all December but never in July. What am I? 

A string of Christmas lights.

52. I’m a place that’s full of people who never make a sound, even when the signs of Christmas cheer are all around. What am I? 

A Christmas village decoration.