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Heather Clarke


New York City

Heather Clarke is a Black mother of 2 small children. She is neuro-divergent, with an invisible disability. She has over 20 years of experience working as a teacher, and in the field of educational justice and policy. Heather is an Early Childhood, Special Education adjunct professor and Field Mentor at New York University and City University of New York. Through Heather’s The Learning Advocate business, she consults with parents/guardians, educators, businesses and organizations on issues around racial equity and disability justice. She was honored by the New York City Office of the Public Advocate during Black History Month in February 2022 for her work in dismantling ableism and anti-Blackness in education. She is often a featured guest speaker on panels such as the Autism in Black Conference, and podcasts including Tilt Parenting and The Rebel Educator, discussing disability and culturally responsive education. When not working you can find Heather either reading fantasy or comic books, dreaming about attending Comic Con with her kids, or practicing her very bad figure skating on the Ice Rink.

Articles by Heather Clarke