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8 Useful Apps for Families

Cozi Family Organizer

8 Useful Apps for Families

Technology is constantly changing, advancing, and evolving to make our lives easier, make complex tasks simple, and help us with day-to-day needs. Today, we’re taking a look at apps designed specifically to help out parents and families. These can be anything from scheduling apps to help you keep track of the millions of things going on in your life to helping your kids thrive. 

Let us know in the comments below which of these apps has been a beneficial resource for you and your family, and be sure to let us know the apps that we’ve left off the list that impact your day-to-day lives.

Feeling overwhelmed with your schedule and the schedule of the rest of your family?


is a simple organizer that let’s you manage everyone’s schedules all in one place. The app also lets you manage shopping lists so you never forget what to pick up from the store, along with letting keep track to-do lists for everything else that you have to do.

First Aid by American Red Cross

There’s always that chance that something unexpected will happen with you’re with your family. In case of an emergency or an accident, it can be useful to have access to information related to first aid if you’re not sure how to handle a certain situation.

First Aid by American Red Cross

  features simple step-by-step instructions on how to handle a multitude of emergency situations. This app can really help you out in a time of crisis when you’re not sure what to do.

First Aid by American Red Cross

Khan Academy

Not entirely sure how to help your child out with their homework or answer their curiosity questions?

Khan Academy

  has an app that can help you learn about topics from science to art history. There are thousands of videos and articles to help you teach your kids different subjects and help you understand topics you’ve forgotten.

Khan Academy


Need an easy way to communicate with your family and check in on your kids.


  is a family locator app that lets you know where your kids are, and lets you connect with them through a simple messaging platform. You can get notifications when your child arrives at school or gets home, and even see how they’re doing. 



Organize your family travels much easier with the


  app. Now you won’t have to fumble around to figure out what time your flight leaves, or where your hotel is. TripIt lets you keep everything together in one place.



Not sure what to cook for dinner?


  features a variety of recipes to help you try out new recipes with your family. It’s also incredibly easy to add all of the required ingredients to shopping lists so you never forget an item needed for the dish.


Chore Monster

Tired of chore charts? 

Chore Monster

  may just be the solution for you. Now you can make chores a fun, engaging, and rewarding experience for you and your kids. Kids can earn rewards like ice cream, TV time, and more.

Chore Monster


Sometimes with all of the things going on everyday it can be hard to keep track of items.


  is a system designed to help you locate missing items like your iPhone or iPad or even track the location of loved ones. Simple attack the tracker to whatever item you tend to misplace, and you’ll have the ability to locate it.
