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7 Books on Child Development

The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Siegel

7 Books on Child Development

Many parents often wonder what developmental stages their child will go through, and what they should expect with their child at different ages. There are many child development books out there that can help parents better understand and identify developmental milestones.

This week, we’ve chosen a few of our favorite books on child development to hopefully help you answer any milestone questions that have been lingering in your mind. If you’ve read any of these books or have other suggestions of books to add to this list, be sure to list them in the comments.

If you’re looking for a book that provides actionable strategies for parenting in a holistic manner, you should probably check out The Whole Brain Child. In this book Siegel provides parents with 12 strategies to better parenting all through the lens of child development. Siegel understands that children’s brains are constantly developing, and the best approach to parenting is one that takes this into account.

Ultimately, the goal of the book is to help parents help their children understand their own brain and work to on their own emotional intelligence to become successful adults with high self-understanding.

What to Expect the First Year

If you’re looking for a complete guide on the first year with your new baby, What to Expect the First Year is a fantastic resource. Here you’ll find a comprehensive month-by-month guide on the different milestones and stages your child is going through. The book answers common questions parents have when their child is 0 to 12 months old.

What to Expect the First Year

The Baby Book

If you’re expecting or have a child between the ages of zero and two, The Baby Book features in-depth insight on what to expect the first two years with your baby. Written by three doctors and one nurse, The Baby Book focuses on the essential needs of babies during these two formative years. You’ll have help all along the way with any of your unexpected parenting questions.

The Baby Book

Child Behavior

Child Behavior is a book about children’s’ developmental stages from the Gesell Institute of Human Development. The book contains advice on day-to-day essentials for parents from bathroom time to family relationships. The authors of the book, two MDs and a PhD, provide detailed information on children’s developmental stages, and how parents can best help their children succeed as their mind and body changes.

Child Behavior


If you have a child in school from the ages of four to fourteen, Yardsticks is a book that can provide you with insights on the developmental stages your child goes through. The book offers clear and concise descriptions of different developmental traits, and charts showing different developmental patterns.


Mayo Clinic’s Guide to Your Baby’s First Year

If you’re looking for a resource written by doctors who are actually parents, then you need to get your hands on the Mayo Clinic’s Guide to Your Baby’s First Year. Here, doctors provide their knowledge and wisdom to help you get through your first year as a parent. You’ll have access to a chart of developmental milestones along with wisdom and resources of being the best parent possible. The book goes into basics like feeding and then features in-depth information on understanding your child’s temperament.

Mayo Clinic’s Guide to Your Baby’s First Year

Your Adolescent 

Do you have a young adult or teenager? Understanding the different emotional, physical, and brain developments that your teenager is going through can be a challenge. Your Adolescent provides answers and advice for parents on helping their teenager through tumultuous times.

Your Adolescent