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5 Ways Your Care Job Could Be Better

Expert advice on how to make your caregiver, babysitter or nanny job that much better.

5 Ways Your Care Job Could Be Better

Working in the same job for a while can be monotonous and draining. Caregiving jobs, where youre constantly tending to others needs, are especially exhausting. After a while, you may start to wonder Is it worth it? or Is it time to move on?

Check out these 8 Reasons Nannies Quit.

Shifting jobs can be refreshing, but it can also be taxing on you, your family and your career. Before you hit the classified ads, here are five strategies to make your current job better:

  1. Schedule Regular Check-ins
    One way to improve your day-to-day happiness is to create a more positive work environment. Cultivating a healthy, mutually respectful relationship with your boss is key to working together and achieving your goals. Schedule a time each week when you can check in with your boss.

    Career and life management consultant, Ruth Schimel, PhD, recommends that caregivers ask for positive feedback and some ways you can do better during these meetings. Your meetings dont have to be long. Just knowing that you have an open channel of communication and a way to build your relationship will allow you to feel more comfortable approaching your boss if something does come up.

    And here are tips to help you through 5 Difficult Conversations with Your Employer.

  2. Ask for What You Need
    Schimel also advises that when you have something in mind, whether its a concern about your job or an interest in advancement, be sure to ask your boss specifically for what you need. Weekly check-ins are a great opportunity for you to communicate about these issues and what your plans are for growing your career.

    Shimel suggests that you spread out your requests over time, so that you dont overwhelm your boss all in one meeting. Also, if you want to discuss contractual topics like raises, promotions or time off, its best to plan these conversations well in advance.

  3. Track Your Achievements
    Career expert Erik Bowitz at Resume Genius recommends keeping track of your achievements on the job to help develop a record of success that demonstrates your value to your boss. Backing up requests with accomplishments is the best way to give your boss a logical reason to work with you, says Bowitz. This will reduce friction and arguments, as you’re stating facts instead of opinions and keeping things professional and not personal.
  4. Seek out New Trainings
    Another approach to advancing in your career is to seek out new trainings or certifications that might add variety to your skill set or set you up for a promotion. Ask your boss if there are educational opportunities at your organization or, if you work for an individual family, whether your boss might be willing to support a training course. Or sit what you can fit in on your own time. Improving your capabilities on the job will not only allow you to take on more responsibilities at work, but also set you up to explore new roles down the line.

    Start with these 12 Nanny Training Courses and Certifications

  5. Break up Routines
    Finally, to shake up your day-to-day, try breaking up your routines. After youve been in the same job for a while, your days can sometimes feel like youre just going through the motions. Think through whether you can divide your responsibilities and daily schedule into distinct tasks and then make a check list. Using your list, set aside specific time chunks for each task and then mark them off as you go. Cruising through a list can give you a greater sense of momentum during the day. And seeing a full set of completed tasks at the end of the day can be satisfying.

    Or it might be something as simple as changing things up. If you’re getting tired of going to the same park day-after-day with the child you care for, make a list of all the local parks in your area — or even in the next neighborhood. Talk to your employer about which ones are acceptable. It will be good for the kids to experience new places and meet new people too.

Of course, a key piece of staying refreshed and energized on the job is to maintain a healthy work/life balance. Dont forget that you deserve time off. Caregiving jobs are demanding. Make sure to take short breaks during the day and talk to your boss about scheduling your vacation time.

But sometimes you find yourself in an unhappy situation that can’t be fixed. If that’s the case, follow these tips on How to Quit Your Job.

How could your job be better? And how can you make that happen?

Tiffany Smith is the director of content and publicity at William Woods University. She has written for All You, Time for Kids and the Boston Globe. And, as a former babysitter, she knows a lot about fun games to play with kids. Getting them to eat their veggies — that’s a different story! Follow her on Twitter at @tiffanyiswrite