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21 Jobs For Stay-at-Home Moms

Here are some ideas to get you back into the working world.

21 Jobs For Stay-at-Home Moms

Do you want to earn extra cash, but still want the flexibility to stay home with your kids? Many jobs for stay-at-home moms allow you to watch your children while also making money.

“So many women want to find balance,” says Susie Romans, online business coach and author of “Leaving 9-5.” Carol Fishman Cohen, CEO of iRelaunch, recommends people looking to re-enter the workforce consider strengths and previous job experience while reconnecting with others who knew you when you worked. “Figure out exactly what you want to do,” Cohen adds.

Here are 21 ideas (including avaerage salaries) to get you started:

  1. Childcare Provider
    Babysit other children. $28,000 to $52,000. You must meet state licensing laws to open a center. It’s great because you keep your children with you and they make friends.
  2. Newspaper Carrier
    Deliver newspapers. $400 to $800 per route/per month. You need a reliable vehicle. It’s done in the morning, leaving the rest of the day for your kids.
  3. Direct Seller
    Hold parties to showcase items like Thirty-One gifts. $10,000 to $27,000. No experience is necessary. Direct selling allows you to work nights and weekends.
  4. Educational Materials Creator
    Create digital files of worksheets and lessons. $1,000 to $36,000, depending on sales. You can compose during nap or TV time.
  5. Writer/Editor
    Produce content for online and print. $1,000 to $50,000 or more. Depending on the publisher, you may need a specific degree. It’s flexible so you can work around kids’ activities.
  6. Tutor
    Assist struggling students as a tutor. $10 to $30/hour. You’ll need to prove competence. You set your own hours and take as many students as desired.
  7. Beauty Stylist
    Provide hairstyling or nail services. $15,000 to $30,000. You might need a license. You can do haircuts or nails during naps and when dad is home.
  8. Massage Therapist
    Give massages. $30,000 to $35,000. You’ll need a license, but you can schedule clients when it’s convenient.
  9. Graphic Designer
    Create digital items like invitations, websites or cards. $34,000 to $45,000. You need samples of past work and appropriate hardware and software. Because graphic
    design is done at your computer, you can even work when your kids are present.
  10. Sewer
    Repair clothing and other items. $18,000 to $29,000. You’ll need your own sewing machine and supplies. You can do this in the living room and get the benefit of in-house models to try garments on.
  11. Music Teacher
    Demonstrate how to play an instrument. $10 to $50 per lesson. You need to be well-versed in how to play what you teach. Because most conduct lessons at home, you demonstrate your musical passion and work ethic to your kids.
  12. Flower Arranger
    Create floral arrangements. $22,000 to $25,000. It requires a special workplace with proper refrigeration for storage, but it’s another one of the flexible jobs for stay-at-home moms that lets you work when and where you’re free.
  13. Exchange Student Host
    Allow a foreign student to live with you. $200 per week. You’ll have to pass a background check, but this job’s great because you already have a home and meals to provide a child.
  14. Advertiser
    Companies put decals on cars. Up to $900 a month. You need a reliable car and must be willing to drive a certain amount. You get paid to do what you already need to do.
  15. Photographer
    Take formal photos. $25,000 to $30,000. Create a portfolio of past work to entice clients. You can work events when they fit your life.
  16. Survey Taker
    Answer questions online. $1 to $20 per survey. No experience needed. You choose when and how many you take and air some grievances, too.
  17. Painter
    Paint the exterior and interior of homes. $23,000 to $40,000. You’ll need supplies. You can schedule jobs around your kids’ schedules.
  18. Furniture Repairman
    Rehab old furniture. $100 to $500 per item. Make sure you have the correct tools. Your garage is the perfect workspace.
  19. Trainer
    Teach others how to perform exercises. $20,000 to $30,000. Make sure you have enough space and a proper license. You can set your hours and take as many or as few clients as you wish, leaving plenty of mom time.
  20. Life Coach/Assistant
    Provide advice. $25,000 to $40,000. Most clients want proof of a degree in psychology, sociology or counseling. “What most moms don’t realize is there’s a huge market in the consulting, coaching and online services industry,” says Romans. It allows you to take on as many clients and hours as you can handle.
  21. Baker
    Concoct treats for individuals or events. $23,000 to $30,000. You’ll need supplies. This job allows you bake as much or as little as you wish and use on-site taste testers.

And check out these 12 Great Stay-at-Home Mom Jobs.

Sara Ipatenco is a former elementary school teacher turned stay-at-home mom and freelance writer. Ipatenco holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree, both in child development and elementary education and has been published in Teaching Tolerance and Family Fun magazines.