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15 Natural Ways to Induce Labor

You're past your due date and tired of being pregnant. Here are 15 ways to speed up the process naturally.

15 Natural Ways to Induce Labor

Many mothers know that when you’re overdue with your baby, the waiting game can be exhausting and frustrating. Thankfully, there are many natural ways to induce labor that you can safely try at home or with the help of a licensed professional.

If you’re wondering how to naturally induce labor, one of these 15 highly effective ways might do the trick:

  1. Reduce Stress
    “Often this time of waiting can create a level of internal stress, which in turn may delay the natural onset of labor,” says Angela Doucette, a registered massage therapist and owner of Active Health. “When a ‘whole life’ approach is taken regarding natural ways to induce labor, it’s encouraged to look at the woman’s internal and external environments to assess levels of stress, fatigue and fears surrounding the birthing process.”
  2. Try Acupuncture
    Performed by a licensed acupuncturist, this natural way to induce labor opens up the energy pathways from foot to head, providing for a whole body relaxation that can aid in labor.
  3. Stimulate Your Nipples
    Stimulating the nipples by hand or with a breast pump can release oxytocin, which can cause uterine contractions. With a breast pump, you can stimulate the nipples and areola for five minutes, repeating every 15 minutes for one hour.
  4. Gain Mental Clarity
    “Do you feel like the physical things (house, room, car, hospital bag) are ready for your baby? How do you feel about labor, birth and life with the baby?” asks certified birth doula Kristine Adams Cowan of Bump Birth Baby. “If you feel any sort of anxiety, stress, fear or unpreparedness surrounding your baby’s upcoming birthday, it is very possible that your emotions are telling your body to not go into labor.”
  5. Indulge in a Massage
    Best performed by a registered massage therapist who specializes in prenatal care, induction massage concentrates on the areas of the piriformis and glutes, to open up the mother’s hips. Be sure to get up slowly following the massage and support your belly as you may physically feel it drop.
  6. Have Sex
    Semen has been known to help ripen the cervix since it contains prostaglandins, and the female orgasm can bring on uterine contractions. As long as your water has not broken, sex is one of the most effective natural ways to induce labor.
  7. Consider Homeopathics
    Herbal remedies can be highly effective natural ways to induce labor. Most commonly used are the herbs blue and black cohosh. Always get advice from a naturopath or doctor for the safest and most effective dose.
  8. Discover Acupressure
    There are certain pressure points on your back, inner ankle and the webbing between your thumb and index finger that can trigger contractions. Apply pressure to these areas for two to five minutes, repeating every 15 minutes until contractions are strong and regular.
  9. Drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
    Drinking this tea daily, approximately three to 12 cups, can help establish a regular contraction pattern. This herb is known as a uterine tonic that strengthens the uterine muscle and makes contractions more effective.
  10. Eat Castor Oil or Spicy Food
    Essentially these natural ways to induce labor work by inducing peristalsis of the intestines, which can trigger uterine contractions. Use with caution and under the recommendation of a certified naturopath or doctor.
  11. Get Active
    Activities such as climbing the stairs and doing lunges help to open the hips, and getting out into nature can aid in your body being more in tune with the process of labor.
  12. Take Evening Primrose Oil
    Found in your local drug store among the vitamins and supplements, evening primrose oil helps to soften and ripen the cervix. You can take this orally by swallowing two to three 500 mg capsules daily or take it vaginally by inserting two to three capsules directly to the cervix before bed. Of course, check with your doctor before taking any supplements.
  13. Book a Stretch and Sweep
    Performed by your OB or midwife, a stretch and sweep is the stretching of the cervix and sweeping of the membranes. You can expect tenderness and some bleeding from the cervix.
  14. Rely on Gravity
    Often when you lie down or sit, your contractions will slow and sometimes even stall. To establish a regular pattern, try standing as much as possible or use the support of a birthing ball.
  15. Relax With a Bath or Shower
    Sometimes allowing your body to rest is effective in the overall process of labor. “It can aid relaxation which can help bring on contractions. That is actually often used as a test to see if what a mama is experiencing is actually labor — if the tightening, cramping and pressure goes away when in the bath or shower, then it is most likely not labor,” says Adams Cowan.

Want more advice? Read Inducing Labor at Home.

And if you are in need of helping with little ones you already have running around, check out’s list of mother’s helpers near you.

Shannon Moyer-Szemenyei is a Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula, mother of two busy boys (Owen, 4 and Graeme, 10 months) and the writer at Sweet Stella’s.