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15 Must-Read Children’s Book Series

Divergent Series

15 Must-Read Children’s Book Series

Who doesn’t love a fantastic book series? I’m sharing some of the treasures that I grew up reading and fell in love with for you to check out and add to your child’s library. Each series teaches it’s own lessons and has it’s own fantastical world. I suggest that when you’re creating a library for your child you have a broad range of books with different subject matter and topics. 

This series really gets your child to think about the role the play in society, and where they fit into the larger piece of the puzzle. What if they say people were unjust? How do they handle their fears?

Encyclopedia Brown

For children who love puzzles, solving mysteries and learning more about the world the Encyclopedia Brown series has boatloads to offer. The books are a great way to get your child to think and solve the mysteries on their own.

The Inheritance Cycle Series

This series was written for children 12 and up and features a magical world of dragons. What I like about this series is that it brings characters to push themselves and rise up above their circumstances.

The Legend Trilogy

I’m a big fan of this trilogy by Marie Lu and think these books really appeal to younger readers because they can relate to the characters. You discover people who are trying to figure out their feelings about love, life and family – while navigating the world on their own. It’s very easy to get sucked into this world.

The Hunger Games

While many have said the Hunger Games books are gruesome and often disturbing I think they offer children an alternate reality where they may be forced to grow up and be adults. That things aren’t always built as a pretty picture like on TV.

The Maze Runner

What I really am drawn to in this series is that it’s about young people, and how they see the world and how they experience things. It’s geared towards older children (12 and up) and is a great introduction into the genre of science fiction. It’s also an interesting series because it teaches children about social dynamics that can be seen in a variety of situations.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

I love what the author of this series has done, bringing a modern twist on mythology and getting kids excited about it. I think the series is also popular because it opens the door to a world where can child could potentially be a demigod with super-human powers.

The Hardy Boys

If you have a child that loves adventure, then they’ll love the Hardy Boys. What’s nice about the stories is that they teach ideas of friendship and helping others through obstacles.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

While the titles of these books sound gruesome, and sometimes the books themselves can be a bit odd, weird and sometimes scary, they are truly fantastic books. What I really like about the series is that the books are both suspenseful and puzzling – they also require children to think and try to figure out the stories and ask questions. The books REALLY engage children, and I think that’s just fantastic.

My Father’s Dragon

This three-book series, delights my heart to this day. This is a book for younger children with a story that’s simple and easy to follow. You’re on a journey with a boy who follows in his father’s footsteps to see there’s more to the world than meets the eye. The book also is filled with great illustrations and is a good book for those transitioning from picture books to chapter books.

The Magic Tree House

I can’t begin tell you how amazing these books are for young readers, but I’m going to try. Mary Pope Osborne does a great job of writing books that are easy to read, and introduce a variety of interesting historical and political topics to children. Your child will learn everything about dinosaurs to pirates.

The Boxcar Children

Not only are these books easy to read, but they’re exciting. The author of this book decided to write this series using the 500 most common words in the English language. The books are centered around a family of children who have recently lost their parents and forced to figure out life on their own. You’ll discover stories of love, friendship, and survival that are truly amazing.

Chronicles of Narnia

Enter the magical world of Narnia, that is just hidden within a wardrobe. The Chronicles of Narnia collection contains seven books set in a land of enchantment. The series is meant to be an escape for children who want to believe that there’s more to the world, and that there are fantastical things lurking around every corner. Within the series you’ll fall in love with amazing characters, and learn about what it means to care about family.

Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew, a girl who appears to be “The Girl Next Door,” is anything but. Throughout the Nancy Drew books you’re taken on an adventurous ride that will make any child want to be a detective. Children are naturally inquisitive by nature, and Nancy Drew fulfills their hungry minds. The book series is a long one, but really does kids people in with each book. If you have a daughter or son interested in being a detective or always searching for a deeper meaning or answer to problems, try out the Nancy Drew series.

Harry Potter

This collection features 7 enchanting books, each of which has a movie re-make that your children can also enjoy. The books about Harry Potter, his friends and his magical adventures will transport your child to a world of witchcraft, wizardry, and magical beasts. Not only is this series an entertaining one but it’s filled with moral and ethics that teach children about concepts like friendship and good vs. evil. You won’t be disappointed in this series, and with each book you’re drawn in more and more into the fantastic world that JK Rowling has created.