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11 Ideas for a Household Budget Template

Find a household budget template to get your family finances cleaned up with these 11 ideas.

11 Ideas for a Household Budget Template

Budgets come in all shapes and sizes, but what if you’re not even sure what your budget is? Printing off a household budget template is a great, simple way to organize your family’s finances.

Gina Lincicum and her husband put money toward their debts each month, but their efforts never seemed to make a dent. “For 10 years we were paying off debt — student loans, cars, a second mortgage — and couldn’t figure out why we always owed money,” said Lincicum, the author of the blog Moneywise Moms. They started a household budget template out of necessity when she found out she was pregnant with twins and realized how much their debt was dragging them down.

So they made a commitment to pay it off. Now debt-free (other than their home mortgage) the family lives by the “50-20-30 rule,” Lincicum said. That means 50 percent of their money goes to fixed costs, 20 percent goes to savings, and 30 percent goes to flexible spending.

Lauren Mendel, who writes the finance-focused blog Military Planners, also finds a budget the most important part of controlling the family’s finances. She is surprised by the number of people she hears who don’t follow a budget. “Hardly anyone does it,” she said. “I think people are scared of what they’re going to find, they’re afraid they’re never going to be able to dig themselves out. But you have to take action because it is possible to manage your money well, and once you start, it’s not that difficult to do each month.”

Lincicum handwrites her family’s budget each month to spell out her family’s spending. She hangs it on the refrigerator so she, her husband and their three kids all can watch where the money is going. Mendel also hangs the family budget on the fridge, but prefers to use a computerized budgeting program. Want to get started on taking control of your family finances?

Here are 11 ideas for a household budget template to help you get started:

  1. Make It Easy
    Military Planners suggests starting simple with this free printable template from the blog, Mendel says. “Hang it on the refrigerator and get started. You can tweak as you go, but you have to start somewhere.”
  2. Be Stylish
    Frugal Fanatic’s family monthly budget template is also simple, but still lets you see in black and white where your problem areas might be. Two different styles let you choose a template to match your personality.
  3. Go Into Detail
    Trees Full of Money has a six-part series on creating a family budget and includes a free printable template called “The Super Easy Budget Form.” It is detailed, with about 100 line items to choose from for your expenses.
  4. Use Envelopes
    Want to try envelope budgeting? This concept includes placing cash in envelopes for use throughout the month to give you a real sense of where your hard-earned cash is going. One Good Thing by Jillee includes a free envelope printable template for budgeting this way.
  5. Organize a Binder
    Feeling the need to get your whole life organized? DIY Home Sweet Home has a whole series of printables — including budget-focused templates — for a home management binder to help you get your life whipped into shape.
  6. Keep It Simple
    The Colorado Moms have a simple family budget template that even the kids can follow and understand.
  7. Include the Kids
    Teach your children the value of saving with this one-year saving challenge for kids template from Thirty Handmade Days. The idea is to show kids how saving just a little money each week adds up quickly. There’s an adult version too!
  8. Overcome Debt
    Get really in-depth with this debt-free workbook, a 37-page free download from One Beautiful Home. Along with a budget template, it includes a snowball calculator to help you budget to pay off debt.
  9. Plan For Bills
    Learn to make a budget binder from A Cultivated Nest. She gives practical advice, spots to schedule bills and offers free budget worksheets.
  10. Customize Your Template
    Easy-to-edit and personalize budget worksheets designed by Erin Rippy of Ink Tree Press are available on World Label. You can personalize the sheets with your name, and even change colors and sizes to fit your financial mood.
  11. Track Every Purchase
    Queen of Free breaks down your monthly budget into different categories and includes a page for you to log all of your purchases.

Now that you’re ready to plan your family budget, be sure to check out these 7 Budget Cuts You Should Never Make.

Kara Murphy is a freelance writer in Erie, Pennsylvania, who is in charge of the family budget. She has two children, ages 5 and 3.