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10 Signs You’re a Great Nanny

How do you know when you're a great nanny? Check these signs.

10 Signs You’re a Great Nanny

Nannies get so much advice on how to be a great nanny — and its important to always want to up your game! But sometimes, we need to hear that we already are great nannies. reached out to the best nanny experts we know — parents who love their nannies. Read on for 10 signs youre a great nanny!

  1. You Fess Up When You Mess Up
    I’m a first-time mom to an 11-month-old baby girl, and aside from genuine love and care, one of the most important qualities in a good nanny is honesty, especially if they do something wrong. When my daughter was four months, the nanny tried to clip her fingernails (without asking me first) and accidentally clipped her skin. Though it was very minor, she did bleed a little. When I got home, the nanny told me what happened, even though there was no mark on my daughters finger and I otherwise would not have known. She didn’t have to tell me, but it is [considerate] of her to be honest, and that is a quality that instills confidence in me in her ability to be a good, genuine caretaker for the most important person in my life.
    ~ Vanessa Fioravante-Cuomo
  2. You Care About The Little Things
    This may sound crazy but the first thing that tipped me off that she would be a great nanny is that she was polite to my dog! It’s easy to be polite to the children and the employer but this signified to me that she is truly a kind and compassionate person. I think that a person with the right mindset can easily learn how to make healthy meals, play educational games and learn first aid and CPR, but they have to have to be loving in order to actually follow through.
    ~ Lindsay Narain
  3. Everybody Wants You
    After she took my child to a birthday party, the mom of the birthday boy called to compliment me on the nanny — and, of course, asked for her phone number. She also gets job offers on the playground from strangers on a regular basis.
    ~ Anita Scarlett
  4. You Take Initiative
    She doesn’t wait for me to ask her to unload the dishwasher or get the kids stuff ready for school, she just does it. It seems simple, but not having to feel like I have to point everything out is a huge time saver. It’s like she’s a second me in many ways.
    ~ Sarah Mann
  5. You Care About The Children — Its More Than Just A Job.
    My nanny shows this through hugging, high-fives, nurturing, and providing a positive, supportive environment. She points out the good things my kids are doing instead of nit-picking them.
    ~ Jaime Pfeffer

And five more signs all of our parents raved about:

  1. The parents like you as much as the kids do.
  2. You show up on time, go the extra mile and are flexible when they can be with timing.
  3. You are able to communicate your needs and tell the family about the children — both the good and bad!
  4. If you’re unsure about something, you ask.
  5. You contribute to a positive environment in the house.

Cathie Ericson is a freelance writer whose work appears regularly in parenting and business publications, both print and online. Follow her on Twitter CathieEricson.