Find a Nanny Share in Arlington, VA

Average Arlington nanny share cost:$12.63/hr per family*.
Find a family to start a share in Arlington, VA.

Considering sharing a caregiver? Be sure to do your homework: Nanny shares and shared care arrangements may be subject to various licensing requirements or prohibited in certain states and jurisdictions. Research local laws and regulations.

Here are some profiles in Arlington:

Ally F.'s Photo

Ally Arlington, VA

1 Infant
Care need: Full-Time
Also seeking a nanny
Our newest addition is the sweet baby girl you'll be helping us take care of. The rest of our family includes our two adorable dogs - Ruby and Opal. And then of course us - Ally and Steven. Our dogs are super friendly and love to cuddle and play! They're like our first two kids, haha. Ruby is a beagle mix that will be your instant best friend if you give her treats. Opal is an adorable Chiweenie (dachshund/chihuahua mix) that will steal your heart! A is such a sweet angel - we are always wondering what we did to deserve such an amazing baby! She is super smiley, loves to make faces, practice tummy time, play with you, snuggle, and nap. Steven works for as a lead software engineer. He works from home most days, but he likes going into the office 1-2 days a week. During his free time he loves working out, playing with the dogs, reading, and enjoying nature. Ally is a creative project manager working remotely full-time from home and also owns a small wearable art business. In my rare free time I like to do virtual workouts, hang out with friends, read, go to brunch, bake, entertain guests, take long walks, and spend time in nature. Our ideal nanny share: We are lucky to have a fairly low-maintenance baby so we'd be happy to share a nanny! She takes a few naps throughout the day and is typically happy as long as she is fed & has a clean diaper. She loves to play and laugh - she's super smiley! My husband and I work from home, so we'd prefer to have the nanny share at our house so we can be available if anything comes up. Plus, I am still breastfeeding so it's easy for me to feed her throughout the day. We would love a nanny that will play with the kids and help them with important development milestones.
Showing 1 - 17 of 17
*Nanny share rates are estimated using hourly rates posted on by families seeking full-time care for a single child in a particular geographic area. Nanny share estimates assume 33% increase over traditional nanny cost and do not reflect any sharing of cost across multiple families. Actual costs to employ a nanny share may vary and estimated costs do not include additional increases for taxes, insurance, or benefits.