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Why Are Kids So Annoying?

Why Are Kids So Annoying?

Okay, I just need to vent a little! My kids (not really kids anymore, but 13 and 15 years old) have been home on spring break all week. I work from home, and it is sooo difficult with them here all the time! They have been restless and whiny, like little kids. The 13 year old always wants me to drive her to this or that store or movie or friend’s house, and the 15 year old is always hungry. I can’t seem to keep enough food in the house for him, and I am constantly trying to help him figure out what to eat (never mind that he’s been eating constantly all day!). The good part is that he can fix a lot of snacks for himself, but he is messy and I have to nag him to clean up. One day my daughter (the 13 year old) had a friend over to spend the night and they were so silly, giggling and making up silly songs about cheetos. It grated on my nerves! So earlier today when I was feeling particularly grouchy, I googled “why are kids so annoying” and came across this very funny and honest article It made me laugh and realize that my kids have actually grown out of a lot of annoying behaviors……and yes, it made me reflect on how much I love them and wouldn’t trade having them, even when they get on my nerves.