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Couple Has 3 Sets of Twins…With the Same Birthday!

The parents have six young children under the age of 4.

Couple Has 3 Sets of Twins…With the Same Birthday!

Carrie Kosinski said she always dreamed of having a large family, so she and her husband were crushed when they found out they were unable to conceive on their own.

Several months later, the 28-year-old was contacted by a pregnant friend about possibly adopting their unborn baby, according to People. It wasn’t until after the Kosinskis gleefully agreed that they found out the woman was expecting twins.

The impending bundles of joy arrived on Feb. 28, 2014, and the Kosinskis thought they couldn’t be happier. That’s when the same friend contacted them to see if they would be interested in adopting her other set of twins born just one year prior — and also on Feb. 28 — because she could no longer care for them. 

Carrie and Craig Kosinski took on the challenge. 

“There is never a dull moment in my house,” the stay-at-home mom told People.

The Kosinski family had grown by four in just two short years, and it would soon grow by two more after they discovered Carrie was pregnant with biological twins thanks to in vitro fertilization.  

In an unbelievable twist of fate, these twins were also born on Feb. 28!

“All three sets of twins were [born] by emergency C-section,” Carrie Kosinski said. “I get that question a lot. ‘Did you plan it? It was a C-section. It must have been planned.’ No. Mine was at 24 weeks. I did not plan on them being born at 24 weeks.”

The Kosinskis have not officially adopted the first two sets of twins — Adalynn, Kenna, JJ and CeCe — due to financial reasons.

“We’d started the process of adopting the [now] 3-year-old twins when the birth mom contacted us about taking the [now] 4-year-old twins,” Carrie Kosinski said. “So we put the adoption of the 3-year-olds on hold just in case we were going to be adopting the 4-year-olds, as well. It’s cheaper to do it all together than separate adoptions.”

The family of eight lives off Craig’s salary and is seeking donations via GoFundMe and AdoptTogether to help finalize the adoption process.

“It would mean so much, because there’s so many unknowns,” she said. “What if they eventually find the birth fathers? They don’t know who they are. There are all these what- ifs. We could not fathom losing them. They’re our children. We believe we are meant to have them. To just make them ours would be a huge blessing to us.”