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How to Be a Great After-school Sitter

How to Be a Great After-school Sitter

If you’re considering finding a gig as an after-school sitter, it’s important not to underestimate the amount of work a role like this requires. Not only are you picking kids up from school and getting them home safely, but you’re often the snack prepper, homework helper, activity chauffeur and playmate, too. For some sitters, those roles can extend into housekeeper, chef and bedtime wrangler, as well.

After-school jobs cram everything into just a few hours a day, so this means a lot of work in a short amount of time. But with these simple bits of advice, you can totally embrace the after-school chaos—and earn money along the way.


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1. Plan it out

Kids get out of school at the same time each day (block schedules notwithstanding), so you’ll need to plan for your transportation to the school. Know when you need to leave and how early you should get in the pickup line to avoid a long wait when kids get out. Beyond pickups, think about what needs to get done each day before the parents get home. This may include:

  • Snack time
  • Musical instrument practise
  • Homework or reading
  • Sports practises
  • Transportation to/from activities
  • Meal prep or housekeeping (if part of your job duties)

Once you know what is non-negotiable each day, you’ll be able to work backward to figure out when each task can get done. For example, you may need to bring snacks with you to the pickup line so that you can head straight to an after-school activity, or you may need to move up homework time if there’s a sports competition later in the evening. Days and schedules fluctuate, so it’s best to map out a plan for the week with the family. This way, everyone knows who is going where and at what time. Added bonus: Parents will be impressed by how organised you are!

2. Make time for the kids to be kids

Kids sit at desks all day. If you’re in charge of homework, you’ll likely find that the last thing your charges want to do at the end of the day is sit down more. Christa Doyle, lead teacher and director of a preschool says: “Give kids time to unwind before homework or chores. This transition time makes it easier for them to get in the swing of their routine.” It also ensures that kids get the movement they need to develop. Try some of these ideas to help kids get the after-school wiggles out:

  • Play physical but educational outside games, or find fun indoor exercises.
  • Go for a walk or a bike ride, or stop off at the neighborhood park.
  • Have a dance party.
  • Let kids play quietly.
  • Make a healthy snack together to help recharge their brains and bodies.

Jenny Ochoa, a long-time daycare provider, also recommends avoiding screens at all costs. “Unplug,” she says. “Play with toys, puzzles, colouring books… anything but a tech device.”

3. Create space (& time) for homework

Homework is a major cornerstone of an after-school sitter’s day. Even if your charge loves doing homework (it does happen!), it can still be an uphill battle. One way to make this time easier for you and your charge is to consider the child’s homework space. For many families, homework time takes place at the kitchen table. Sometimes, this works well for a child… and sometimes it doesn’t. If you notice the kid isn’t working well in such a central space, try to create a homework space that is just for homework. This could mean asking the family to order a desk or using a nook in another room of the house.

Elizabeth Malson, president of the Amslee Institute, recommends students have at least a hard surface to write on and a comfortable spot (on the floor or couch) for reading. “If the child likes to move around a lot, a clipboard can be used to write on,” she says. But most importantly, Malson says, a child should have an organised and quiet space with easy access to the materials it needs.

4. Allow for breaks, if needed

Not every child will be able to finish all homework before the parents get home, and not every child will finish their homework in one sitting. Take breaks when a kid starts to lose steam. Play a fun, quick game to reset their energy and mood, then go back to whatever homework is left. You should also talk to the parents about their homework expectations and how to handle this duty between sitter and them.

5. Listen & ask questions

One of the best ways to support your charges is to simply ask how their day went. “I’m curious about my daughter’s social activity during the school day,” says Julie Macon, mom of two. “I ask her who she played with at recess, or who she sat next to at lunch. I’d want my after-school sitter to do the same.”

To connect with children about their day, ask simple questions like:

  • What’s one thing you learned today?
  • What games did you play at recess?
  • Do you have any funny stories from school?
  • How is [friend’s name]?
  • Who did you play with today?

These are all great conversation starters that help kids open up. Kids will learn they can trust you with stories about their day—and even their concerns. Unfortunately, bullying does happen, kids can get bad grades and friends will fight. All of these things weigh on children. Having someone they can trust with that information is invaluable. If your charge shares information about their day at school that is concerning (such as bullying or poor performance in class), you should relay that to the parents.

6. Be present

After-school sitters have a big job. They have to make sure all the pieces of a child’s day fit together, and they often have to juggle requests from parents before the day is done. But your first duty is always to care for your charge. Even when things get crazy and you’re running late for soccer training, remember to enjoy your time with the kid. Their happiness and well-being are more important than perfectly prepared snacks or a jam-packed, after-school schedule.

>> Searching for an after-school sitter job? Find families in your area now.