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6 Tips to Make Yourself More Hirable

6 Tips to Make Yourself More Hirable

When applying for care jobs it is crucial that you stand out amongst the many worthy applicants going for the same role.
The most important tool at your disposal is your profile. Your profile can grab your future employer’s attention, and secure that all important interview, by helping your skills, experience and knowledge shine through.
Here are 6 tips to make yourself more hirable with your profile:
1. A Photo Is Worth A Thousand Words
Include a photo that shows you as friendly and professional. You should be the only person in the photo and it should be clear and in focus. Make sure you can see your entire head and that it isn’t cropped off. Stay away from “selfies” and instead ask a friend to take a photo of you. A smile is always a great idea. Don’t wear anything that will distract from your face, such as dangling earrings, and don’t wear revealing clothes. Your goal is to portray yourself as a responsible, trustworthy and reliable employee.
2. Make It Short and Easy to Read
“Your job profile is a powerful tool,” shares Joelle Castro, who works in member care at “To make it as effective as possible, keep it short, sweet and to the point. If the profile is too long, no one will get to the end of it. It’s also important to illustrate your abilities by using anecdotes and specific examples that backup your experience.”
Your profile will also be easier to read if you break it up into short paragraphs or bullets, rather than presenting it as one long description.
3. Highlight Your Qualifications & Skills
This should be an easy-to-read, bulleted list. Certifications and licenses pertaining to your job description should go first, followed by relevant skills. Include information about being bonded or insured.
Your skill list is a place for you to shine. If you are, for example, an excellent swimmer, math whiz or can teach children how to throw pottery, include those skills. These will make you stand out. Families are looking for providers they feel a connection with and the skills you list help make a great pre-meeting first impression. Don’t discount your life experiences, classes you have taken or hobbies.
You never know what a family is looking for and your love for bird watching or crocheting might make you their No. 1 candidate.
4. Include Your References & Experience
Make sure to include the company or family name, years you were employed, your position and responsibilities you had during your previous employment. Potential references should be notified ahead of time that they might be called so they are prepared and able to give a glowing report about your services. Your references, as well as your reviews on, say volumes about you and can help to clinch the deal, so don’t be shy about asking people to review you.
5. Provide Up to Date Background Checks
Premium provider memberships at enable you to run your own background check and make the results available quickly for families interested in learning more about you. This step saves potential employers time and indicates your seriousness about your profession.
Taking time to create a professional, well-thought-out profile on will give you an edge in today’s competitive market, as well as the opportunity to show potential employers your best side. While the job market may be fierce, professionalism, persistence and a proactive attitude can help land the job you desire.
6. Keep Your Availability Updated
According to Castro, availability is one of the first things a family looks at. While flexibility is an asset, make sure you accurately list the times or days you will be able to work. Including this information will avoid friction with the family down the line.

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